Trapped on the planet Trenzalore, The Doctor found a trap set by his own people, The Time Lords of Gallifrey, designed to allow them to escape dimensional exile. Unfortunately, his greatest foes (including the Daleks, Cybermen and anyone who really wanted to see Patterson Joseph get the role) also found out about the trap, leading to a standoff. Unwilling to reignite the Time War that nearly devastated the universe, The Doctor stayed on Trenzalore for centuries, with no remaining regenerations, until a Dalek attack forced the Time Lords’ hand. While The Eleventh Doctor died protecting both his people and protecting the universe from his people, The Twelfth Doctor set out on a nigh-unprecedented new life-cycle.
This moment is discussed in Top Five Amazing Moments in Comics. http://majorspoilers.com/2015/12/17/top-five-amazing-moments-in-comics/
“This moment” being Gjallerbru. Sorry.
The Executioner, that was great stuff. Being Nordic myself, I feel this Thor run is probably the best that character will ever get.