Here is a sneak peek of Grimm Vol. 2 #4 from Dynamite Entertainment.
Grimm Vol. 2 #4
writer: Caitlin Kittredge
artist: Maria Sanapo, German Erramouspe
covers: Maria Sanapo (a), Kyle Strahm
“Mask Variant” (b)
incentive cover: Maria Sanapo (B/W art),
Maria Sanapo (“virgin art”)
Fans & retailers, order the cover of your choice!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99 • Teen+
Up against the Weird Sisters and a Wesen crime boss, Juliette can’t turn to her friends for help. The only person on her side is Adalind, and she is pretty sure that is only lasting as long as it takes to get stabbed in the back. With the final showdown looming ahead, things are not looking good for Juliette.