It’s time once again, for You to pick the next trade paperback we read and discuss on the Major Spoilers Podcast.
Gold Digger
Gold Digger focuses on the adventures of Gina Babette Diggers, polymath superscientist, archeologist, teacher, adventurer, nerd, and idealist extraordinaire, accompanied by her colourful extended family, friends, students, and acquaintances, as she explores the strange and ancient hidden histories of the world, spanning a wide distinctive variety of characters, stories, environments, worlds, societies, times, species, and universes of magic and science fiction, in a world filled with possibilities.
Punisher: The Slavers
On a pitch-black Brooklyn night, in a dead-end alley, Frank Castle brutally dispatches a crew of Albanian thugs menacing a young woman. Her name is Viorica, she’s from Moldavia, and when she tells Frank her story, that’s when the real killing starts!
Nextwave: Agents of HATE
The Highest Anti-Terrorism Effort, or H.A.T.E. (a subsidiary of the Beyond Corporation©) put NE XTWAVE together to fight Bizarre Weapons of Mass Destruction. When NE XTWAVE discovers that H.A.T.E. and Beyond© are terrorist cells themselves, and that the BWMDs were intended to kill them, they are less than pleased. In fact, they are rather angry. So they make things explode. Lots of things. Starring Monica Rambeau (formerly Captain Marvel and Photon), Aaron Stack (Machine Man), Tabitha Smith (X-Force’s Meltdown), monster-hunter Elsa Bloodstone and The Captain!
Tokyo Ghost
The Isles of Los Angeles 2089: humanity is addicted to technology. Getting a virtual buzz is the only thing left to live for, and gangsters run it all. Who do these gangsters turn to when they need their rule enforced? Constables Led Dent and Debbie Decay are about to be given a job that will force them out of the familiar squalor of LA and into the last tech-less country on Earth: The Garden Nation of Tokyo.
Being a large Garth Ennis fan, I would love to hear about Mr. Castle doling out some justice that only seems right coming from him.
If I could vote for a second, I would go Tokyo Ghost, only because it sounds and looks cool.
Personally, I would love for you to review “The Universo Project” from the Levitz Legion of the late 80’s. Please place that on the stack Matthew or play a Game of “Slappy Says”
While I love Tokyo Ghost, I would love to hear everyone’s take on Nextwave. I believe it to be present day Marvel before Marvel got here on their own.
Nextwave, it’s such a fun comic book series that makes light of most if not all comic book tropes.
It’s funny how it was never meant to be in main Marvel continuity but was so popular they made it canon.
Punisher Max: Slavers, while I did like the Max run of Punisher as a whole some arcs were painful to read, specially when you realize the themes of some happen in real life, like this one, it stick with you for a while…
You know it’s bad when the Punisher, mister I have no more feelings left it’s all about the mission, actively *HATES* these guys.