Dynamite Entertainment released a sneak peek of Chaos #6, in stores this week!
Chaos #6
Tim Seeley (w)
Mirka Andolfo (a)
Emanuela Lupacchino, Tim Seeley, Nei Ruffino (c)
Fans & retailers, order the cover of your choice!
FC l 32 pages l $3.99 l Teen+ l 10/1
Emanuela Lupacchino B&W Art retailer incentive cover
Nei Ruffino B&W Art retailer incentive cover
Tim Seeley B&W Art retailer incentive cover
The final issue of the epic Chaos event, redefining Evil Ernie, Chastity, Purgatori, the Chosen, and the greatest horror comic universe of all time! A wave of suicide engulfs the United States. The conflicting forces of the Chaos Universe arrive at the Fairview Mental Institution to determine the fate of the world. Is it a new beginning or a new Armageddon?