You saw that longer teaser for The Flash last night, now watch the 5 minute long trailer that takes you through the pilot episode. What a truly remarkable Upfront season this has been.
The Flash | Extended Trailer | The CW
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Wow, I’m convinced. I will be watch The Flash on Tuesdays this Fall.
Thoughts? Let everyone know in the comments below!
This looks pretty stellar. It seems to have a bit of humor in it, we’ve already seen Weather Wizard, so I’m sure the rest of the Rogues aren’t far behind.
The only thing I’m not super keen on is “I am Canadian” Ed (Wheelchair guy) and the Flash Squad.
Regardless, I think the Fall should be pretty cool
This looks really good. And between this and Constantine I”m gonna have some good show to watch now that Iv’e lost a few.
WOW, DC is bringing the good stuff to TV!!! I’m All In.
And with the tie-ins with Arrow and Super Powers being a thing again I am wondering what other shows/or appearances they may have in the works for TV (Wonder Woman, Cyborg, Aquaman, The Question). All I know is my DVR is getting some good loving this fall.
DAMN! If this preview is ANYTHING like the series will be, I’m sold. SOLD! I TELL YOU!
It looks like they’re turning all the rogues into meta humans, and making them a bunch of angsty teenagers? Sounds like Smallville. That’s kinda disappointing, especially since it’ll probably preclude Mark Hamill from returning as The Trickster.
They all look like adults (including weather wizard, the actor is Chad Rook, 32) exempt for the two who work at star labs, and Barry having a baby face.
I am a big fan of Arrow – LOVE what they’ve done with this. I’m all in for the fall! (Guess I’d better lower my expectations for being productive now that I’m adding *another* must watch show)
Ok wow, not watching Arrow (might have to now) I’m sold on this. This trailer blows the water in my honest opinion out of all the Man of Steel, Nolan Batman movies, and the Avengers trailers.
Ferris Air. Interesting.
The bit in the diner was straight out of Showcase #4, awesome! He has reasons to want to find justice and seems to have compassion and [shock horror] a sense of humour. I AM IN! Must watch Arrow now.
Huh. I am not a big DC fan or a big Flash fan but this looks pretty dang good.