There is so much going on behind the scenes, I wish we could pull the curtain back and reveal it all to you right now! Okay, so some of you may have seen parts of it this weekend, while you were feverishly downloading and listening to the new season of Critical Hit: A Major Spoilers Dungeons and Dragons Podcast. If you didn’t see the goodness, good – and if you missed out on other big news this week, take the jump for our look back, at the week that was!
- If you need to get schooled on the world of the Feywild, Rodrigo provides a great primer that you can read here, here, and yes, even here.
- The Avengers vs. X-Men event continues, and not only do we have a review, but we got a cool image gallery, thanks to Stephen and The Boy playing around with a new LEGO set.
- There’s also a pretty cool clip of Iron Man and Thor fighting each other, with a lot of punchy-punching.
- Archie Comics flips genders in May, and it is all Sabrina’s fault.
- Zenescope announces an ongoing webseries that could prove very interesting as the bigger project continues to roll out.
- There’s even more C2E2 coverage still on the site, including an interview with Gail Simone.
- Spock shows off his volcano suit that will appear in the upcoming Star Trek 2.
- The international posters for The Amazing Spider-Man movie arrived, and they look stunning!
- Speaking of Spider-Man, did you get to see Peter Parker and Miles Morales meet for the first time? We did, thanks to a Spoilerite from down under.
- Marvel seems to think the Guardians of the Galaxy would make a good movie, but how does it tie into the current Marvel Movie Universe?
That’s a lot to take in, and there’s a lot more to come – so much so that at times it seems like one site can’t contain it all!