In case you need yet another Avengers trailer to start your day, check out the “We are at War” trailer that hit the Intardwebz this morning.
Normally, this kind of overhype and over promotion of a movie would raise red flags and set off my “This is gonna blow!” alarm, but I don’t get that feeling here. Instead, it feels like Marvel/Disney is doing everything it can to make as much money with this movie as it possibly can in the first two weeks to off-set The Dark Knight Rises.
Is it just me, or does that waitress you see in all the trailers look kind of like “Dagger” from “Cloak & Dagger”?
Hey look! there’s the helicarrier! Awesome!
Awwwww…. I just dawned on me that they probably beat Mecha Fing Fang Foom by crashing the helicarrier into it.
that’s about as “deus ex” as you can get.