This year for Free Comic Book Day, DC is planning to release DC Comics – The New 52 FCBD Edition. While the book won’t be available until May 5, DC released the Jim Lee cover today, that features Pandora holding a very interesting looking gun.
In addition to the cover, Lee will also be illustrating five pages for the comic book’s interior, including a four-page JUSTICE LEAGUE gatefold to accompany a brand new story by New York Times bestselling writer and DC Entertainment Chief Creative Officer Geoff Johns.
The gun Elongated Man used in 52?
Is that Despero’s skull?
Oh my – ‘Wonder Woman’ seems to have acquired a minitute hoola-hoop around her thigh – wow – how baddass and cool is that? (lol)
nu52 sucks!!
its called a garter they are for holding weapons….. i fail to see how a minor costume detail makes the new 52 suck, but then there are morons at my shop that refuse to read any of it simply because superman started wearing his underwear UNDER his tights. they really do come off as idiots, and so do you.
wow, those guys are missing out.
How about being utterly sick of the fact that Wonder Woman almost never DOESN’T have a sword anymore…therefore further example of how DC has completely botched just about everything about the charcater–origin, backstory, motivation, disposition–reducing her into a two-bit, Xena wannabe Saiyan?
That reason enough to hate the nu52? Or at least, what’s become of Wonder Woman in the nu52?
I always thought she should have a sword, I mean she’s an Amazon not a Greek cowgirl stripper with a bondage fetish…
Yeah, that’s a dumb complaint too.
Crimson Avenger? As in the later mystical one with cursed guns that have no triggers, or is that supposed to be Pandora?
I’m hoping you’re right, because the gun -does- seem to be missing a trigger…. She also -could- be african-american, which the last Crimson Avenger was (but F-Continuity, so.. who knows right?). I’d be happier if it was the Magic-Gun-from-52 somehow employed to bring back Ralph & Sue, since they’re not really flourishing as ghosties (and pretty much everybody ELSE got a ‘not-reboot’).