My wife is no way close to being a comic book nerdette. She puts up with my habit, attends conventions with me when we can go, and knows enough to nod her head and smile whenever I go off on a comic book tangent. Since our son was born, she really hasn’t had time to read comics on a regular basis – her last attempt at diving into the medium was the first two trades of Ex-Machina, but she does take the time to visit the site each day, and I usually hear her comments on some of the news stories on the site.
Here then are ten of her most recent comments about things she’s read on the website.
- Marijuanaman? Who thought of that dumb idea?
- You wanna put that where?
- I’m guessing you already downloaded that iPad App.
- Another Spider-Man movie?
- What’s an Airbender?
- That looks really cool!
- Remember when we were dating and we used our webcams? Wait, that wasn’t…never mind…
- Wow! I’ve married a nerd. (She says that quite often)
- I don’t like the pants.
- We’ll have to remember that the site is always one year older than our son.
Good Stuff….real nice-looking family you got there, you done good. :)
You wanna put that where?
That’s a “that’s what she said” even if she hadn’t said it.
A beautiful family, a healthy kid and wife who understand your hobby and doesn’t want you to drop it to “grow up”, geek paradise my friend.
Dude…. Your wife is at least two points hotter than you (10 point scale, at least 1.5 slices of meatloaf hotter). Good job sir.
It’s because Stephen is funny. Funny guys always get pretty women.
Yes, but the Missus is hotter than Stephen is funny… It’s good to see a fellow nerd dating out of his depth.
MY wife refuses to be photographed. :)
nice family and your wife comments was funny .
I get the same “Married a nerd” comment quite frequently. Possibly more so now that Rodrigo’s posts and Magic Podcast has gotten me buying up Magic cards like a crackhead.