The animated duo of Tom and Jerry are headed to the big screen for a live action adaptation of the classic cartoon series.
Studio-based Dan Lin, currently producing the upcoming “Sherlock Holmes” and exec producer on “Terminator: Salvation,” will adapt the classic Hanna-Barbera property as an origin story that reveals how Tom and Jerry first meet and form their rivalry before getting lost in Chicago and reluctantly working together during an arduous journey home.
The cat and mouse will get the CGI treatment much like the animated critters in Garfield and Alvin and the Chipmunks. Before you toss this idea out as a bad one, remember Alvin grossed $360 million from a $60 million budget. If Warner Bros. could convince the head honcho in charge to bring back the over the top slapstick violence that audiences saw in the original cartoons (long before TV censors hacked them to death), it could be a very good time. However, if it is so kid friendly it reeks of syrupy sweetness, count me out.
They basically did that plot with the horendous Tom & Jerry movie from, I want to say the 90s.
Well, I hated the Garfield movie and Chipmunks movie was a big “meh” for me so I won’t be looking up this one. IMHO, Tom and Jerry need no back story, just good slapstick comedy which won’t be there if the flick is intended for kids.
Looks like Hollywood just keeps on proving that they’ve totally run out of original ideas. The full-length feature film (from 1992) made the fatal mistake of not only straying from the tried & tested format that made them popular in the first place (i.e. they hit each other a lot), but it gave them voices as well! Methinks the lessons will not be learned from this debacle…
Sounds like the suckiest suck that will ever suck. Cats eat mice, mice don’t like to be eaten. There’s your back story.
hells no, i wont be watching this crap. leave it as a cartoon. yeah there was violence but it wasnt really violence….was it?
Alvin and chipmunks might have gross 360 million that dose not mean it was any good
leave tom and jerry alone.
this is gonna suck hairy balls
Could work, if they stick to the original formula. Maybe a John Hughes style movie with lots of things fallen on people’s head.
Gaston…you mean make it in the style of Home Alone? Only if they drop something heavy on Macaulley Culkin’s head…