This time ‘round: The Fastest Man Alive! Thy Kingdom Come! A big ol’ Boom! The Legion’s in the house, a little hero worship, but no love for the last son of Dryad… We’re rolling our d20s, as the podcast hits an even score, even though we’re all more than a little bit odd… The major spoilers podcast is on the air!
The Major Spoilers Podcast Panel has the honor of talking with Mark Waid.
NOTE: This interview was done just prior to Heroes Con.
Major Spoilers Second Birthday Announcement
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Music from this episode comes from Ookla the Mok. You can visit them on the web at and purchase their music at the iTunes Music Store.
A big Thank You goes out to everyone who downloads, subscribes, listens, and supports this show. We really appreciate you taking the time to listen to our ramblings each week. Tell your friends about the podcast, get them to subscribe and, be sure to visit the Major Spoilers site and forums.
I was enjoying the interview right up to the point where Waid used the term floppies. I find this term to be a negative, or at least intended to be, and that’s when I closed the browser. Sorry.
On an unrelated note, my computer is doing something weird with your logo. For some reason now when I download movie files of an adult content, the logo my computer uses is yours for the podcasts. Maybe that’s more than weird…
That’s too bad because you missed his answer to your question… :D
The moral highground comes with many great sacrifices. What was my question anywho? Must…Be…Strong…
O_o are you kidding?
I’ve gotta go with Baal on this one. While I no longer buy individual issues, I find the term floppies to be a very negative description of monthly comics.
I fi’m talking to someone or reading someone’s post online and the call comics floppies, I tune them out. They could be making the most ingenious arguement, but as soon as that word makes an appearance, I’ve lost respect for them.
The Term floppies comes off almost as a condmenation of the monhtly/issue format. While I may have moved past that format for my dose of comics and even think it’s an antiquated format, there’s no reason to be down on this more traditional format.
No one’s going to comment on the logo thing?
Baal: I’m not sure what you are saying about the logo. Are you saying that every time you download porn, the Major Spoilers logo is showing up? Maybe your computer is telling you you need to stop fapping and read more comics ;)
Re: The Logo and Porn
I think this is Stephen trying to get more site traffic…
Josh: well if you would tell all your friends to visit the site and subscribe to the podcast I wouldn’t have to resort to such nefarious deeds…bwaaahahahahaha.
But I don’t have any friends…
Oh oh Josh, is that a challenge? Perhaps the next Major Spoilers Contest – “Be Friends with Josh P”, with the grand prize being something spiffy? :D
You’re a big meanie. I’m taking my floppies, and I’m going back to work!
Freakin’ sweet! Loved the interview; Mr. Waid seems so laid back, almost like he’s… of us? A regular guy? COULD IT BE?????
Anyway, loved the podcast as usual. You guys got 5 stars from me on iTunes, and I’ve been spreading the word. Unfortunately, most of my friends are in their late 20’s to mid 30’s and aren’t really down with the whole comics vibe (though that doesn’t stop me from working on them….).
Nooooooooo! Josh, come back Josh! The site won’t be the same without you and your floppies….
no, seriously, come back man. You’re going to make Matthew cry if you walk out on us.
I’ll think about it.
You guys went up on Blok. Don’t be mean to Blok.