Author: Matthew Peterson

Once upon a time, there was a young nerd from the Midwest, who loved Matter-Eater Lad and the McKenzie Brothers... If pop culture were a maze, Matthew would be the Minotaur at its center. Were it a mall, he'd be the Food Court. Were it a parking lot, he’d be the distant Cart Corral where the weird kids gather to smoke, but that’s not important right now... Matthew enjoys body surfing (so long as the bodies are fresh), writing in the third person, and dark-eyed women. Amongst his weaponry are such diverse elements as: Fear! Surprise! Ruthless efficiency! An almost fanatical devotion to pop culture! And a nice red uniform.


After infiltrating STAR Labs, Red Robin is about to get squashed by a familiar-looking foe, while his teammates rush to save him.  Will they make it in time?  Your Major Spoilers review of Teen Titans #4 awaits!

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As a late-comer to comics (the first comic I ever really read was when I was nearly ten years old), I missed the heyday of Howard The Duck in his original Carter-era malaise.  When I finally bought it, I only purchased it because I had read all the Defenders, Captain America and Firestorm issues that Pat’s Book Nook had to offer, and I figured that a funny animal comic was better than no comic at all.  I was wrong on a number of levels: Howard is no funny animal; his world is decidedly complex and uniquely cynical; and the thirty-odd…

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Nearly fifty years ago, television was graced with the presence of the Caped Crusader of Gotham City for the first time.  Batman faced many classic villains in his TV adventures, but there was at least one major villain Adam West never crossed swords with.  Your Major Spoilers review of Batman ’66: The Lost Episode #1 awaits!

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There are a lot of excellent pairings in the annals of popular fiction:Steed and Mrs. Peel; Superman and Batman; Misty Knight and Colleen Wing; Number Six and Paranoia.  But, in the manner of the comic book fan, I often wonder if Watson & Sherlock share a stronger bond than Solo & Kuryakin, or whether Xena & Gabrielle felt the power of friendship more strongly than Cyborg and Beast Boy.  It’s the kind of thing that could spark an idle conversation or two, or even today’s cameraderous query… The MS-QOTD (pronounced, as always, “misquoted”) has more than a hundred issues of…

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As we near the 51st anniversary of Doctor Who, I’m struck by how much the first year of Peter Capaldi’s run reminds me of the first year of Colin Baker’s tenure. Despite some wild ideas and interesting notions, it’s been an uneven season, one about which even the hardcore fans are mixed, and The Doctor himself has been more interesting than much of the material given him. Much like Baker was, Capaldi’s Twelve is following up a massive anniversary event, a tough act to follow, which makes me think that he can take another page from Six’s act: A multiple…

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From the pages of ‘Shadowman’ comes the sensational new character find of 2014!  (Don’t question her on this, or she’ll likely put her boot in your face…)  Your Major Spoilers review of Punk Mambo #0 awaits!

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What you know is wrong.  Please move in an orderly fashion.  There was no re-entry here, no UFO, no extra-terrestrial activity.  Your memory is incorrect.  Please look directly at the red light.  Your Major Spoilers review of Deep State #1 awaits!

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As a child growing up in the 1970s, I naturally adopted the standard viewpoint of those years: that the late Bruce Lee was a superhuman philosophical warrior. Thanks to years of kung-fu flicks, martial arts magazines and 80% of the black-and-white magazine output of Marvel Comics, it was hard to separate Lee the man from Lee the legend (a problem many still share, thanks to the movie “Dragon.”) Even accepting him as a man with flaws and foibles, though, I think I’d still like to have Bruce as my trainer and teacher in the ways of life, both out of…

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I give the comics of the 90s a lot of static, and rightfully so, as some of ’em were dreadful in ways that even the most gawdawful Golden Age book couldn’t match. And then, there’s the time the entire Justice League turned into apes.  So, there’s that…  Your Major Spoilers (retro) review of JLA Annual #3 awaits!

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Thor Odinson has been deemed unworthy, and a new God of Thunder has taken his place.  How will she fare in her first hammer-rodeo?  Your Major Spoilers review of Thor #2 awaits!

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The Legion Of Super-Heroes has arrived in the present from the 31st Century, with a grave mission: Stop the greatest menace their time has ever known.  Unfortunately, that may mean killing an innocent child… …assuming they can get past the child’s JLU protectors.  Your Major Spoilers review of Justice League United #6 awaits!

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Despite my tendency to snark about big crossover events, I’m finding Dan Slott’s ‘Spider-Verse’ storyline to be a great deal of fun, combining as it does alternate version of Peter Park from all over the firmament, from the original ’66 cartoon Spidey through Peter Porker, The Spectacular Spider-Ham and even future Spider-Girl Mayday Parker.  The breakout character of the whole mess is Spider-Woman (AKA Gwen Stacy, whom I refuse to call Spider-Gwen in bootless defiance), whose costume is beautiful in its simplicity and whose character concept is pretty excellent as well.  She’s not my favorite alternate Spider-Man (that honor goes…

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With Steve Rogers reverted to his actual age (or at least something well above Avengers active duty roster age), the original Captain America has stepped aside, allowing a new Cap to take the field.  How will Sam Wilson’s first adventure as the Sentinel of Liberty go?  Your Major Spoilers review of All-New Captain America #1 awaits!

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