As a late-comer to comics (the first comic I ever really read was when I was nearly ten years old), I missed the heyday of Howard The Duck in his original Carter-era malaise. When I finally bought it, I only purchased it because I had read all the Defenders, Captain America and Firestorm issues that Pat’s Book Nook had to offer, and I figured that a funny animal comic was better than no comic at all. I was wrong on a number of levels: Howard is no funny animal; his world is decidedly complex and uniquely cynical; and the thirty-odd issues of his book were better than most of the comics I had read. (Don’t believe me? Click here!) Now that Howard is in the public eye for something more than George Lucas’ first big flop, he’s making a return in comics as well, under the pen of Chip Zdarsky (whose work on books like ‘Sex Criminals’ wouldn’t be possible without the trail that Howard and his creator Steve Gerber) blazed back in those heady days) which leads us to today’s semi-aquatic query…
The MS-QOTD (pronounced, as always, “misquoted”) reminds those who hated the movie that ‘Batman & Robin’ was a trainwreck, too, but that didn’t stop them from making seventeen more Bat-films since, asking; Are you excited about new adventures for Howard The Duck?
My gut reaction at the first images was how UN-exaggerated his features appear. My gut reaction is that there was a Disney dictate that read, ‘Sure, bring back Howard, but make sure he doesn’t look ANYTHING like Donald any more.’
I don’t know if I’m even in the ball park of being right, but that’s my gut reaction and I was immediately put off…
I would rather say intrigued instead of excited, because I’ve never read any Howard. Maybe this time I’ll check it out.
Somewhat. I really like Howard, but until I actually see the series, I’m merely interested.
I’m happy, but not excited.
Oh yes. I’m been missing such phrases as “Trapped in a World He Never Made” for the last thirty years. Ouch. I sprained my sarcasm. I was never a great fan of Howard the Duck. He made as much sense as Mr. Tawny the Talking Tiger.