They… are the Super-Sons! They’ll always save the day! And if you think they can’t, well… this is the final issue, so let’s hope you’re wrong. Your Major Spoilers review of Super-Sons #16 awaits!
Writer: Peter J. Tomasi
Penciler: Carlo Barbieri & Brent Peeples
Inker: Art Thibert & Scott Hanna
Colorist: Protobunker
Letterer: Rob Leigh
Editor: Paul Kaminski
Publisher: DC Comics
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: May 23, 2018
Previously in Super-Sons: Jon Kent is the son of Superman and Lois Lane, thrown through time and space from another world that existed before this iteration of the DC Universe. Damian Wayne is the son of Batman and Talia al Ghul, raised by the League of Assassins with the skills of a ninja and the interpersonal manner of an irritated python. Together, they have fought all manner of evil, but are they up for the challenge of Kid Amazo?
Somewhere in the future (and a reference to the 853rd century Justice Legion makes me wonder just HOW far), an old man is telling his grandchildren the story of the Super-Sons. Is he Daman? Jon? Superman himself? The story doesn’t make it clear, but that doesn’t matter: The JLA has been captured by the latest iteration of Professor Ivo’s machine-intelligence, Amazo, and only Cyborg, Superboy and Robin are still free. Victor and the boys engage the creature in battle, only to find Kid A using the powers of their fathers and/or teammates, leading Robin to have a sudden flash of brilliance. He orders Cyborg to let Kid Amazo take over his cybernetic form, going so far as to immobilize him with a Batarang when he questions the command. (Damian’s grumbling that no one on his daddy’s team knows how to follow orders is amusing, especially paired with Cyborg’s exasperated/offended response.) Once Cyborg is the host for Amazo’s matrix, the Super-Sons leap into action with Superman’s cape and Batman’s gauntlet, stolen off their dads’ unconscious forms, using Robin’s cunning plan…
It is always difficult for me to understand why people hate Damian Wayne so much, especially in stories like this one. He’s arrogant, but no more so than his father, and his plan is elegant in its simplicity. Once Amazo is in Cyborg’s brain, he uses the defense programs in his dad’s gauntlet to give the hero a ministroke, forcing Amazo out and letting Victor’s human brain retake control. The art in this issue is pretty excellent, but never more so than the expressions on the faces of Superman and Batman when they realize that Damian literally gave someone a TIA to save the day. The action sequences featuring Superboy are also really well-done, as Barbieri and Peeples make sure that our tween heroes actually look like tweens and not shrunken adults or professional wrestlers with the head of a child tacked on. The framing sequence is also well-handled, ending with the mysterious Pop-Pop (who I am thinking is a grown-up Jon Kent) pulling out Super-Sons Volume Two to read to his grandkids. It’s a nice way to show that these characters aren’t done yet, and a very Silver Age wink-and-nod style ending.
First of all, this is an issue that made me happy, and I’m glad to hear that the story of these kids isn’t done, just in flux thanks to the changes in Superman’s titles incoming. Super-Sons #16 works as a final chapter, but makes it clear that there’s more stories to tell and provides fun art and a compelling story to make readers WANT it to come back, earning a better-than-average 3.5 out of 5 stars overall. Now I’m hoping that the story behind the cute framing sequence sticks around when the Super-Sons return…
[taq_review]Dear Spoilerite,
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