Browsing: Supergirl

Superwoman! Strange visitor from another neighborhood who, disguised as Daily Planet Editor Lois Lane, fights a never-ending battle… but HOW did she get those powers in the first place? Your Major Spoilers review of Superwoman Special #1 from DC Comics awaits!

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Sibling rivalry can be an ugly thing, but it’s even worse when it’s not your sister, but your alternate universe self who bugs you. Your Major Spoilers review of Supergirl Special #1 from DC Comics awaits!

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Steel’s plan to bring free power to the city of Metropolis is getting attention, and some of it is from exactly the wrong people. Your Major Spoilers review of Steelworks #2 from DC Comics awaits!

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Ancient texts of Hindu mythology posit an infinite number of universes, each with its own gods. Modern comic texts have made a habit of blowing them all to smithereens. Welcome to Ten Things: Ten Destroyed Realities!

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The Coogan Definition of a superhero requires skills or power, a pro-social agenda and a specific mode of dress, but not every superhero wants to be known as Something-Woman. Welcome to Ten Things: Ten Supers With No Alias!

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In eighty years, Superman has made a lot of friends and met a lot of hangers on, and more than a few of them chose to put on his shield. And most of them weren’t even his cousin! Welcome to Ten Things: Ten Super Girls!

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All the searching has led to a final moment, but does anyone have the strength to do the right thing anymore?  Your Major Spoilers review of Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow #8 awaits!

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