Browsing: Matt Hawkins

Sara is desperate to honor the memory of her slain father, what she doesn’t know is this drive will lead her to a power she could never imagine. Your Major Spoilers review of Witchblade #1, awaits!

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Sylas’ actions to siphon away pain made him a target for many people. Can he navigate this new world that he finds himself in? Find out in Syphon Vol. 2 #2 by Image Comics! 

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Sylas wields an ancient power to sense and siphon away pain from others. Once, he was overwhelmed, but now he charts his own path in Syphon Volume 2 #1 by Top Cow! 

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Time is running out for Callum Shah’s mission. Can Matt and the other survivors get off the island before the storm drowns it forever? Find out in Haunt You to the End #5 from Image Comics!

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Matt has no proof of what he saw in the manor, but it looked like a ghost. Now the refinery is burning – what happened to Gersh and her team, including Maddi? Find out in Haunt You to the End #3 from Image Comics!

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Callum Shah wastes no time sending a team out to explore Isla Lodo while he and Matt Park take a look at the manor. Is there something to be found amidst the ruins? Find out in Haunt You to the End #2 from Image Comics!

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When you have the ability to manipulate the feelings of others, what do you do with that power? Do you help or harm people? Find out in Syphon #3 by Image Comics! 

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Sylas is trusted with a new power. The power to syphon pain and misery from those around him and carry their burdens. Find out how he copes in Syphon #1 by Image Comics! 

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Jack Davidson throws himself into his work trying to work out why there are aggressive cancer outbreaks. An anonymous note and a careful double-check lead…to what new puzzle? Find out in The Clock #2 from Top Cow!

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With Eden facing a serial killer, the police have their hands full trying to track him in Postal Deliverance #6, from Top Cow.  While Eden’s mayor Mark attempts to balance family with his responsibilities, his wife Laura goes off into the woods to hunt for clues.  And who does she find but her mother-in-law…with a shotgun!  Is this the final end?  Find out in our Major Spoilers review!

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