We’re following the clues in this week’s “So You Want To Read Comics”. This is our weekly feature where we take a look at a single topic or genre, then give you two comic book recommendations, perfect for new readers, based on that topic or genre. This week we’re taking a look at the mystery genre.
Browsing: marcos martin
When is a reboot not a reboot? When the corporate overlords decide they don’t want to endanger the Captain Atom IP. Your Major Spoilers Retro Review of Breach #1 awaits!
A new Grand Design series kicks off this week, and we have a sneak peek of Hulk Grand Design: Monster #1 from Marvel Comics, after the jump.
There have been seven versions of reality before this one. And if the Defenders fail, the Eighth Cosmos will go the way of the first seven… Your Major Spoilers review of Defenders #3 from Marvel Comics awaits!
In the universe before this one, five Defenders face a threat both familiar and unknown. Your Major Spoilers review of Defenders #2 from Marvel Comics awaits!
Belit returns in Conan the Barbarian #25 from Marvel Comics. Take the jump for a sneak peek of the issue.
When existence itself faces extraordinary threats, it needs an extraordinary defense! That’s when you call…THE DEFENDERS! Take the jump for a sneak peek of Defenders #1 from Marvel Comics.
In the tradition of SPIDER-MAN: LIFE STORY, and in celebration of the FF’s 60th Anniversary, comes this series setting the lives of the fabulous foursome in real time across the years! Take the jump for a sneak peek of Fantastic Four: Life Story #1 from Marvel Comics.
The heavenly cities are coming to earth, and they’re bringing hell with them! Take the jump for a sneak peek of Iron Fist: Heart of the Dragon #2 from Marvel Comics.
Image Comics is pleased to announce that The Walking Dead: The Alien by Brian K. Vaughan and Marcos Martin will be available in oversized hardcover this July.
Friday Fitzhugh is back home, but all that’s waiting to welcome her back is mystery. Your Major Spoilers review of Friday #1 from Panel Syndicate awaits.
Award-winning writer Ed Brubaker, acclaimed artist Marcos Martin, and colorist Muntsa Vicente have surprised readers with the debut of FRIDAY, a previously unannounced comic on Panel Syndicate.
The Red Goblin has taken down his allies. He has targeted Spider-Man’s family and friends. Now, the Web-Head has to face two of his most terrible foes at the same time… and not everyone will survive.
Your Major Spoilers review of Amazing Spider-Man #800 awaits!
Brian K. Vaughan and Marcos Martin are bringing Barrier, a five-issue mini-series originally released digitally as a print series at Image Comics.