Browsing: Marco Renna

After the shocking revelations in the most recent issue of Mighty Morphin, we are all waiting in anticipation for the next issue to arrive. Fortunately, BOOM! Studios has released a first look at Mighty Morphin #12 to give us a hint of what is to come.

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As the Power Rangers and their new allies, the Eltarian Guardians, prepare to rescue Candice from Lord Zedd, elements of Zordon’s past begin to collide with the present. BOOM! Studios sent Major Spoilers a sneak peek of Mighty Morphin #11 that lands in stores on Wednesday.

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Will the Power Rangers make the right choice and save Angel Grove? I mean… if only there was some way to get an advance look at Mighty Morphin #9 from BOOM! Studios before it arrives in stores on Wednesday…

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