In RAI #6, Rai and Raijin stop by to help a maniple of Roman legionnaires take down an attack by rampaging were-beasts, before spurning the survivor’s hospitality. Elsewhere, Spylocke dares to infiltrate the AI known as the Bloodfather to understand its plans. With death at every turn, dare you read this Major Spoilers review?
Browsing: Juan Jose Ryp
Valiant Entertainment has released a preview of Wednesday’s Rai #6 from Dan Abnett and Juan Jose Ryp, that you can check out right now.
It’s a battle royale on Monster Ilse in this week’s Strikeforce #9 from Marvel Comics.
Vridai takes on Angela in Strikeforce #8 from Marvel Comics.
No Robot is Safe! Wha…? Find out in this sneak peek of 2020 iWolverine #1 from Marvel Comics.
Take the jump for a sneak peek of Rai #5 from Valiant Entertainment. The issue arrives in stores on March 11, 2020.
Valiant Entertainment sent Major Spoilers this preview of Rai #4 by Dan Abnett and Juan Jose Ryp.
Rai and his companion have encounter a place that should not exist within the mysterious Ghost Zone. As Rai and Raijin find their first target, they get a glimpse at how the world once might have been. Will they succeed in their mission or will they succumb to the kindest cut of all? RAI #2 from Valiant Entertainment!
Cyborg Ronin Rai and his sibling Raijin is out on a mission to make sure New Japan never rises again. To do this they must hunt down their siblings but Rai is trying to retain his humanity despite this path of violence. Come check out his quest in Rai #1 by Valiant Entertainment!
Welcome to the 41st century: New worlds, new characters, new adventures.
Valiant’s critically celebrated cyborg ronin named Rai embarks on a thrilling quest to save the future in this week’s Rai #1.
The cyborg samurai, Rai, embarks on a thrilling quest to save the future in a journey that will introduce new worlds, new characters, and gripping adventures.
What’s going on in the Valiant Universe? Check out this sneak peek of The Valiant Universe Handbook: 2019 Edition that drops tomorrow!
With the help of Atom-13, X-O Manowar has succeeded in beating back the forces of the Unknown… But… there’s always a but… Find out in X-O Manowar #22 from Valiant Entertainment.
What will happen in the next X-O Manowar? You don’t have to wait that long as X-O Manowar #21 arrives in stores tomorrow.