Matthew is on the record that Kid Flash’s yellow-and-red costume is among the best in superhero history. But have you ever wondered where he got it? Your Major Spoilers Retro Review of The Flash #135 awaits!
Browsing: john broome
What do you get when you cross Phillip Marlowe with Flash Gordon? Space detective Star Hawkins will dig up some answers for you! Your Major Spoilers Retro Review of Strange Adventures #114 awaits!
The grey area between the Golden and Silver Ages is a strange and fascinating place, but have you ever heard of the Knights of the Galaxy? Your Major Spoilers (Retro) Review of Mystery In Space #1 awaits!
Eobard Thawne is a world-class jerk from the future, but he wasn’t the FIRST Reverse-Flash. Your Major Spoilers (Retro) Review of Flash Comics #104 awaits!
Some say the Silver Age beings with Barry Allen, some say J’onn J’onzz. But we might even be able to got back a tiny bit further… to Captain Comet! Your Major Spoilers (Retro) Review of Strange Adventures #9 awaits!
Ladles and jellyspoons, Faithful Spoilerites, friends, Romans, countrymen! I hereby present to you the origin…
We’re wrapping up Flash Month in our Retro Review Corner! The Golden Age of Comics…
August is Flash Month in our Retro Review Corner! As the hero who jump-started the…
August is Flash Month in our Retro Review Corner! This time around, we ask that…
August is Flash Month in our Retro Review Corner! Why? Well, the various Flashes (Mssrs.…
Thaal Sinestro is a big deal these days, even temporarily headlining the main Green Lantern…
The Will Eisner Comic Industry Awards have announced the 2008 Hall of Fame Nominees: Matt…