Browsing: Review

If you are looking for the Major Spoilers reviews of comic books from the comic book industry, you’ve found it! The best and the worst comics are reviewed each week.


The World’s Greatest Detective isn’t one to play second fiddle to anyone else, but he’ll have to rely on the help of his team to get out of the jam he’s in as your Major Spoilers review of Detective Comics #937 begins!

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Dreams are kind of like children in that they’re mysterious and difficult to understand. Yes, they are vital to our mental health, they say, but what happens if they are found to be more than just our imagination at work? This Indie comic explores that realm quite effectively, giving us a dark region to discover.

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From a kids toy in the late ’70s, to a Marvel Comic series that ran 75 issues, now it is time for IDW Publishing to tell their tales of ROM: The Space Knight. It’s a whole new world for ROM, and if you pay attention, you’ll discover a few Hasbro surprises along the way.

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How did Birdman and The Herculoids make their way into the madness of the Future Quest?  Your Major Spoilers review of Future Quest #3 awaits!

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John Constantine is back in the title that launched the character .  He’s back in London, driving around with Chas, and making more enemies than you can shake a cross at.  An average day for good ‘ol Constantine.  Do Simon Oliver and Moritat deliver on the return of one of the old Vertigo books to the new DCU?  Your Major Spoilers review The Hellblazer: Rebirth #1 has the answers.

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Wait, a bunch of my favorite lesser-known Marvel characters bouncing around in one story?  And also Deadpool?  This I have to see…  Your Major Spoilers review of Deadpool And The Mercs For Money #1 awaits!

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With that new Preacher show bringing the adventures of Jesse, Tulip and that wicked ol’ Cassidy to the a new generation, I thought maybe Faithful Spoilerites would like to hear about the best issue in the entire series.  Fair warning: It’s gonna get explodey.  Your Major Spoilers (Retro) Review of Preacher #37 awaits! **Today’s Retro Review contains strong language and violence, so exercise your Spoilerite discretion before the clickety.**

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What is the one thing that Batman, the ordinary man who trained himself to become the ultimate physical specimen, whose vast wealth allows him to obtain any gadget imaginable, and whose intellect and deduction skills make Sherlock Holmes look like a joke, always needed? How about two super powered pals who named themselves after their hometown? Don’t worry, it’s better than it sounds, and your Major Spoilers review of Batman #3 is about to begin.

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The Girl Next Door and the Richest Girl In Town have more in common than even they know (even taking into account their taste in boys.)  But can they find a way to coexist?  Your Major Spoilers review of Betty & Veronica #1 awaits!

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Though they’ve lost a Superman and a Green Lantern, the League is back and bigger than ever. Which is good, since the world seems to be ending…  Your Major Spoilers review of Justice League #1 awaits!

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