If you want to get something done, the best way is to create a plan to get there. Some use a Vision Board, others are content with a Daily To-Do List. Still, others prefer to use a five year plan to figure out what they want to do next with their lives, and/or their business. Long term goals don’t seem as daunting with a plan in place, which leads us to this week’s Major Spoilers Poll of the Week. VOTE! [poll id=”488″]
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This week, we learned of the passing of Sir Roger Moore, an actor who played everyone from The Saint to Sherlock Holmes. Probably his best known work is that of super spy James Bond. And though we love all the Bond films – even with Timothy Dalton – today we turn our attention to the best Roger Moore Bond film. VOTE! [poll id=”487″]
You’ve seen the trailer for the upcoming Blade Runner 2049 movie. You’ve read the rumors about Rick Deckard from the first Blade Runner movie, and perhaps you’ve had deeps thoughts about the turtle in Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep. All of this brings us to the Major Spoilers Poll of the Week! VOTE! [poll id=”486″]
When it comes to superheroes with a civilian identity, those that weren’t born into the one-percent of society (Oliver Queen, I’m looking at you), most heroes have to have a day job. Clark Kent is a reporter, and Barry Allen is a forensic scientist working for the police. Both are noble, both bring home the bacon, but which one is the better “regular job?” VOTE! [poll id=”485″]
Everybody’s working for the weekend. Or at least that is what I hear. When I take the weekend off – and by off, I mean I rarely watch television, go to the movies, read a newspaper, and am generally scarce from the web and social media – I return completely out of touch with the world, and find myself struggling to get back into a routine come Monday morning. Perhaps it is just me, but does this happen to you, too? VOTE! [poll id=”484″]
When it comes to getting your head in the right place, there are a few doctors in the DC Universe, you should probably stay away from. Still, they may have a way to help you out in the long run. VOTE! [poll id=”483″]
At some point during the day, our thoughts turn to the idea that we need to consume food. “Ah, but what food?” Indeed there are many things we could eat, but since it is Tuesday, it seems like a perfect day for tacos. “Ah, but what kind of taco?” POLL OF THE WEEK [poll id=”482″]
This week, Ghost in the Shell opens nationwide. There are a lot of people who are eager to see Scarlett Johansson kick ass – even though Lucy came out years ago. There are also a large number of people who have no desire to see this movie at all. Where do you stand?
The Major Spoilers podcast, Critical Hit, has been going strong since 2009 – that’s eight years! During that time, we’ve tried a number of systems, and we look forward to trying more. The world of RPG is wide and deep, with many systems filling your shelves and vying for space during your game night. Which brings us to the all important question for this week! [poll id=”480″]
Last week, the question of what do Wolverine fans call themselves came up. We’ve narrowed it down to two (and only two) possibilities. VOTE! [poll id=”479″]
This week, we ask the all important question, “Which publisher do read the most?” VOTE! [poll id=”478″]
Autobots or Decepticons? It is the question that has plagued us for ages. Today, we settle it once and for all. VOTE! [poll id=”477″]
The fourth, and some say the most important Superfight kicks off this week. The two contestants entering the ring could be the greatest fighters of all time, or they could be the worst. It is up to you to decide who wins (and who goes on to the next round) in this week’s Major Spoilers Poll of the Week! FIGHT! [poll id=”475″]
Once again we dive into the Superfight Superbox and come up with two new fighters to enter the ring. Only one can emerge victorious, and it is up to you to decide! VOTE! [poll id=”474″]