Browsing: Poll

Each week Major Spoilers receives hundreds of press releases from companies announcing their latest movie on Blu-ray and/or DVD. For the last four years, the Major Spoilers HQ has weened away from physical discs for music and movies in favor of a massive networked drive that holds everything, and is readily available to all media players on the network. As i start to give away and sell old DVDs and Blu-ray discs I wonder how many of our Spoilerites still buy discs. VOTE! [poll id=”401″]

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It’s time once again for you to pick the next trade paperback for us to review on an upcoming Major Spoilers Podcast. [poll id=”397″] GOING FORWARD (IMPORTANT) If you want to suggest a trade paperback, you need to send an email to That suggestion will go into the hopper and at least once a month, we’ll pick a number of suggestions for you to vote on, and at the end of the polling period, the book with the most votes will get the Major Spoilers Podcast treatment.

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When you latch on to a favorite band, you tend to go down the rabbit hole of their library, and sometimes you find some great songs that you instantly know by heart. If you go to concerts on a regular basis, chance are your favorite band is going to play a few songs that you know, and they sometimes don’t sound quite the same as the recording you’ve memorized. So what version do you prefer? VOTE! [poll id=”396″]

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It’s been out for several weeks, and it looks like video gamers are very excited about Batman: Arkham Knight. From the gameplay to the graphics, to the promise that this is the last of the Batman games in this series, a lot of people are playing this game. Are you? VOTE! [poll id=”395″]

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This week, Major Spoilers will turn nine years old. The site has had a lot of ups and downs, and we are hoping that as we approach a decade of service to you, that there the site will move up, up up! But the site and podcasts can only improve with your help and input. This week, we are launching a new kind of Poll of the Week – one where you get to pick the next trade paperback that we review. Well, what are you waiting for? VOTE! [poll id=”394″] GOING FORWARD (IMPORTANT) If you want to suggest a…

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Heroes, for whatever reason, tend to punch each other in the face when they meet for the first time. It’s only have beating each other to a pulp that they realize they should be working together for the greater good, and the story wraps a page later when the heroes punch the big bad in the kisser.  But do they have to fight? Can’t they all just get along? VOTE! [poll id=”393″]

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I kind of love Wikipedia’s entry on Webcomics: Webcomics (also known as online comics or Internet comics) are comics published on a website. While many are published exclusively on the web, others are also published in magazines, newspapers or in books.

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As I prepare to tackle the last unpacking project in the Major Spoilers HQ – hey, we’ve only been here for the last seven years – I find myself facing a wall of unboxed statues and life-size prop replicas. Something is gonna give in the next three months, which means eBay sales abound! In the mean time, with only two options (because this is a black or white, with no shades of gray, and remember a non-vote is the same as a no vote, and that makes the baby jeebus cry) what would you rather have in your comic book…

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I hear talking cars are hitting the road in 2015 – great, one more voice in my head telling me what I’m doing wrong in my life. While the novelty of a car communicating with you seems like a good idea, we know how My Mother The Car, Speed Buggy, and KITT turned out.  When TomTom allowed users to change the normal voice to Yoda and Darth Vader, and Android users can install alternate voices for their Google Maps devices, it gave us the ability to have fun pop culture tell us where to go.  But they missed the point…

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