Browsing: Movies

According to an interview at the Wall Street Journal, the Superman franchise is going to get a complete reboot ala Ang Lee’s Hulk movie.  But this time Warner Bros. is actually taking something away from the big summit it had with DC and some of its creators and the recent success Marvel has had with its properties. According to the interview with Jeff Robinov, Warner Bros. plans on releasing at least two tent-pole films a year based on DC characters.

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If you are in love with Kristen Bell’s voice, then you’ll want to head down to the theater when the CG-animated Astro Boy movie arrives in 2009.  Bell, along with Nicolas Cage, Donald Sutherland, Bill Nighy, Freddie Highmore, Nathan Lane, and Eugene Levy will retell Japan’s favorite robot franchise of all time for American audiences. via Variety Why yes, there are more pictures of Ms. Bell after the jump.

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Yesterday I posted the lead character in Mark Millar’s Kick-Ass series (Dave Lizewski) has been cast, and today, the news is official with Matthew Vaughn announcing Aaron Johnson will play the dweeb with a death wish. Also cast in the flick are Lyndsy Fonseca as Dave’s love interest, and Nicolas Cage as a former cop who trains his daughter (Chloe Moretz) to bring down a druglord. Vaughn and Marv Films partner Kris Thykier are really gathering the cast quickly as they plan for the fall shoot. via THR

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According to Breaking the Fourth Wall, the lead actor for the upcoming Kick-Ass movie has been cast, and will be an unknown actor no one has heard of.  That’s really vague, meaning this story falls under the complete rumor category. via Breatking the Fourth Wall

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Nothing says, “We don’t trust you” than the announcement from Peter Jackson and Guillermo del Toro that the only people who can really write the Hobbit movie adaptation (and the unnamed sequel to follow) is none other than Guillermo del Toro and Peter Jackson. The news caps off an eight-month search for a scribe to tackle the coveted task of bringing the literary classic to the big screen. When Jackson and New Line resolved their differences over profit participation in the “Rings” films, Jackson said he would not be writing the “Hobbit” movies because of other commitments, though he does…

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The lawsuit Warner Bros. wishes would go away, just got a little more teeth yesterday when a federal judge refused to dismiss the case in which 20th Century Fox still claims to owns the rights to the film. At the heart of Fox’s suit, filed in February, is the contention that it never ceded rights to the property. And according to the federal Judge Gary Allen Feess, Fox retained distribution rights to the graphic novel penned by Alan Moore and illustrated by Dave Gibbons through a 1991 claim. Furthermore, Feess appears to agree that under a 1994 turnaround deal with…

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The Hollywood Reporter has Tom Cruise and Sam Raimi teaming up to adapt DC/Wildstorm comics Sleeper for the big screen. Written by Ed Brubaker with art by Sean Phillips, “Sleeper,” which ran from 2003-05, centers on an operative whose fusion with an alien artifact makes him impervious to pain and allows him to pass it on to others through skin contact. He is placed undercover in a villainous organization by an intelligence agency and falls for a member of the group, named Miss Misery. While it is still up in the air on if Cruise will mearly producer or if…

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Don’t worry, you’ll be able to see it in all its HD glory when the Iron Man DVD is released on September 30, 2008. via Access Hollywood

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It’s unfortunate it wasn’t RDJ’s Iron Man that trumped The Dark Knight this weekend, but rather Downey Jr. in blackface in Paramount’s Tropic Thunder.  The R-rated flick brought in an estimated $26 million over the weekend, while Christian Bale’s Dark Knight bringing in $16.8 million.  Coming in third was George Lucas’ Clone Wars animated flick with $15.5 million. Don’t feel too bad about the Dark Knight, the cumulated box office is now over $470 million. via THR

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Matthew Vaughn has announced that even though the studios have passed on making the adaptation of Mark Millar’s Kick-Ass, Vaughn says he is going to raise the $30 million himself to get the film into production. Chloe Moretz has already been cast in the film, but the Hollywood Reporter has Superbad’s Christopher Mintz-Plasse in negotiations to play The Red Mist, the angry teen son of a mobster who tries to find uncover Kick-Ass’ identity. Vaughn first brought the project to Sony, which distributed his “Layer Cake,” but the studio balked at the violence, which he refused to tone down. Several…

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Sorry Potter fans, you’ll have to wait until next summer to watch Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince.  The movie was originally scheduled to open just before Thanksgiving (November 17), but because of the writer’s strike, there aren’t any good tent-pole films for Warner Bros. next summer. “Like every other studio, we are still feeling the repercussions of the writers strike, which impacted the readiness of scripts for other films-changing the competitive landscape for 2009 and offering new windows of opportunity that we wanted to take advantage of,” he said. “We agreed the best strategy was to move ‘Half-Blood…

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I’m sure by now everyone has read Robert Downey Jr.’s comments about the Dark Knight movie, and DC in general, but just in case, let’s shake that hornet’s nest again. My whole thing is that that I saw ‘The Dark Knight’. I feel like I’m dumb because I feel like I don’t get how many things that are so smart. It’s like a Ferrari engine of storytelling and script writing and I’m like, ‘That’s not my idea of what I want to see in a movie.’ I loved ‘The Prestige’ but didn’t understand ‘The Dark Knight’. Didn’t get it, still…

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Even with the opening weekend of the Olympics, fans still flocked to theaters to see Warner Bros. Dark Knight.  While Pineapple Express came in a close second, the Chris Nolan flick brought in an additional $26 million over the weekend.  This brings the grand total to $441.5 million, meaning the Batman film has passed Shrek 2 to become the third highest domestic grosser of all time. If that has you sitting up and taking notice, get ready for a major head trip – by this time next week, The Dark Knight should bring in enough money to pass Star Wars…

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