Browsing: Movies

Ground-breaking animation legend Bruce Timm heads an impressive cast and crew as producer of “Wonder Woman,” the next entry in the popular series of DC Universe animated original PG-13 movies due from Warner Premiere, DC Comics and Warner Bros. Animation on March 3, 2009. Warner Home Video will distribute the all-new film, which will also be available OnDemand and Pay-Per-View as well as available for download day and date, March 3, 2009. Fans in the greater Gotham area will have a chance to see the premiere of “Wonder Woman” at New York ComicCon on Friday, February 6 in the IGN…

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Details are beginning to emerge on the settlement between Warner Bros. and 20th Century Fox over the Watchmen movie. The film will still open on March 6 Warner Bros. will pay between $5 million and $10 million in the $1.4 development fees Fox claims it invested in the movie when it had the rights. The rest of that load will cover the legal fees. Fox gets a percentage of gross sales – somewhere between 5% and 8.5%. Fox also gets a percentage of gross for any sequels or spinoffs. I don’t know if that includes video game revenu or not.…

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Yes, it does involve a great deal of money.  Yes, Fox now does get a sizable chunk of the box office receipts in addition to a big pile of rolling around in cash.  No, Fox does not own any portion of Watchmen going forward.  Yes, Producer Larry Gordon is in a heap of deep at the moment, as it looks like Warner Bros. will be targeting him for reimbursement for the company’s payout to Fox. The official announcement will be made on Friday.

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The Brain Trusts in H’wood are at it again announcing a remake to the most awesome Karate Kid movie from 1984.  Now I love’s me the original movie, as I try convince the wife we need to watch it at least once a year (I think I have a secret Elizabeth Shue in a tight sweater complex).  I was okay with  The Next Karate Kid as it wasn’t a remake of the original, and featured hottie Hillary Swank in a tight sweater. But remaking the classic Ralph Macchio/Pat Morita film just because the Brain Trusts can come up with an…

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Negotiations with Sam Jackson’s people and Marvel Studios doesn’t look like it is going too well.  Mr. Jackson did an interview with the LA Times where he explained his position, and why he may not don the eye patch in upcoming Marvel movies. “There was a huge kind of negotiation that broke down. I don’t know. Maybe I won’t be Nick Fury. Maybe somebody else will be Nick Fury or maybe Nick Fury won’t be in it. There seems to be an economic crisis in the Marvel Comics world so [they’re saying to me], ‘We’re not making that deal.'” Economic…

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The crux of 20th Century Fox’s suit against Warner Bros. to halt the release of Watchmen is that producer Larry Gordon failed in his turnaround agreement with Fox that allowed the company to distribute the film if Gordon was able to sell the concept to another studio. This has lead to many citing Gordon as the one who is the big villain in this movie fiasco.  Finally frustrated with all the criticism, Gordon fired off a lengthy letter Federal Judge Gary Frees stating his position in an attempt to clean up his reputation. Gordon had remained silent since then but…

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Looks pretty awesome, let’s hope the movie is better than the first. Check out the Yahoo Movies site for more robot pics, and that Ladoof kid running around. via Yahoo Movies

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One of my favorite moments of 2008 was all the viral marketing that sprang up around the various movies and major events in comics.  Even though the Watchmen movie is in turmoil at the moment, that hasn’t stopped the viral machine from launching The New Frontiersman website to hype the movie. The New Frontiersman is Rorschach’s newspaper of choice, so why not have a website dedicated to this bit player in the movie?  The website is only a dummy page at the moment, but it may spring to life as the release date (whenever that might be) draws near. I’m…

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If you are ready to shout “Yo Joe!” at your theater screen, you’ll be happy to know Paramount has finally launched the official movie website.  Presumably, the site will begin to feature more Joe-Goodness as the movie approaches release day, but until then, you can sign up for updates via e-mail. via G.I. Joe

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Academy Award nominee Virginia Madsen brings an impassioned, stately voice to the role of Hippolyta, Queen of the Amazons, for “Wonder Woman,” the next entry in the popular series of DC Universe animated original PG-13 movies. Warner Premiere, DC Comics and Warner Bros. Animation are set to release the all-new film on March 3, 2009, distributed by Warner Home Video. The animated original movie will also be available OnDemand and Pay-Per-View as well as available for download day and date, March 3, 2009. Madsen has moved seamlessly through all genres of performance – from mainstream feature films and independent releases…

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Warner Home Video has announced the complete “pre-Nolan” Batman films will be released on Blu-Ray on March 10, 2009.  This is really close to the Watchmen movie release date, and may be a further snub to 20th Century Fox and its desire to release the Adam West Batman movie on DVD. The collection inlcudes Batman (1989) – Jack Nicholson is The Joker, who emerged from a horrible accident as a maniacal criminal. Michael Keaton is the Caped Crusader, who emerged from a childhood trauma to become a masked crimefighter. Kim Basinger is Vicki Vale, the talented photojournalist desired by both…

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According to Variety, Mickey Rourke is in talks with Marvel Studios for a part in the upcoming Iron Man 2 sequel. …Rourke is in discussions to play the Crimson Dynamo, a heavily tattooed Russian arms dealer. He’s considered to be an evil version of Iron Man because he battles the superhero in a nuclear-powered suit of armor. Interesting choice if it plays out.  Rourke is on a high recently after his stellar performance in The Wrestler.  Major Spoilers fans will remember Rourke in his performance as Marv in the the Robert Rodriguez/Frank Miller adaptation of Sin City. via Variety

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