Browsing: Major Spoilers

Munchkin is a dedicated deck card game by Steve Jackson Games, written by Steve Jackson and illustrated by John Kovalic, that has a humorous take on role-playing games. This week on Munchkin Land, we ask the question, “Who has a big ol’ booty?” Cthulhu, that’s who. Now available . . . another stand-alone Munchkin game! Munchkins have hacked their way through dungeons, kung fu temples, starships, haunted houses, and super-foes. Now they face their greatest challenge – Cthulhu! Will they survive? Will they retain their sanity? Will they . . . level up? Munchkin Cthuhlu is a stand-alone game in…

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When you work multiple jobs, or have a job that requires your Jack of All Trades card to be punched multiple times a day, chances are you are going to miss out on a few nuggets of information because you aren’t able to check the Major Spoilers website multiple times per day. Fortunately, that’s what Sundays are for (or early Mondays, we know many of you are “older” and need your “beauty rest”… not mentioning any names… SkrullBryan…), and this gives us a chance to give you a rundown of the week that was… AFTER THE JUMP!

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For decades, comic racks were filled with the adventures of funny-animal/cartoon characters, from Atom Ant to…  something that starts with Z?  In any case, these characters often lived regular lives, with jobs, cars and even vaults full of gold, all the while getting to enjoy the benefits of their anthropomorphic animal status.  The dogs had enhanced canine senses, the bunnies could tunnel through the earth as a method of transportation, the ducks could fly, and roughly 40% of characters were allowed to wander about without pants on, truly a better world.  I think that, given my choice, I’d probably want…

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Driving home from work last night, I found myself singing (read: screaming my not-inconsiderable guts out) to Journey’s 1983 power ballad, ‘Faithfully.’  It’s a song I came to late, seein’ as how I didn’t get the album til ’87, and one that I associate with my last high school girlfriend and long drives in the awesome Grand Prix that I refused to tell anyone I borrowed from my mom.  When it comes to flashback-city, though, the only thing that causes quicker reversion to my teenage self is side two of the Monkees ‘Pisces, Aquarius, Capricorn and Jones Ltd’ album (although…

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Recently, my niece who is watching all the Star Trek series in order informed me that she thinks I am like Garak due to my ability to answer a question without ever answering the question, as well as the elegent leather spoon built into my face.  I’m oddly fine with that, as Garak is one of the more fascinating characters in Deep Space 9, and ranks in my Top 5 favorites in all of Trek mythos.  That said, though, my number one fave-rave would always be Scotty, who managed to survive all three seasons of the show while wearing a…

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Over the last few years, the “Annual Summer Crossover” of comic yore (arguably originating with the old-school JLA/JSA crossover stories) has become less a summer event and more an ongoing cycle.  There’s a lot of venom and vitriol about this process, especially since the resulting stories have been inconsistent, and the high-velocity schedule has made a lot of the Capital-E Events seem somewhat repetitive.  Here at Faithful Spoilers Manor, in the secret MS-QOTD Chamber (located in a sharknado-proof bunker 5 miles beneath the earth’s crust), we don’t usually hold with all that negativity and snark, preferring to accentuate the positive,…

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It’s not so prevalent in today’s comic books (Iron Man has two super-teams on different sides of the galaxy, after all, and Batman appears in nine monthly books), but one of my favorite highlights of four-color days of yore was the inevitable “downtime” issue, where we’d spend some time with our heroes while they did things NOT related to their never-ending battle for the blah blah blah fishcakes.  Granted, the pacing of today’s media doesn’t really allow for that (especially after Jack Bauer managed to go a full day without once eating or using the bathroom) but it was always…

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