When you work multiple jobs, or have a job that requires your Jack of All Trades card to be punched multiple times a day, chances are you are going to miss out on a few nuggets of information because you aren’t able to check the Major Spoilers website multiple times per day.
Fortunately, that’s what Sundays are for (or early Mondays, we know many of you are “older” and need your “beauty rest”… not mentioning any names… SkrullBryan…), and this gives us a chance to give you a rundown of the week that was… AFTER THE JUMP!
- Doc Savage is coming back! It’s written by Chris Roberson and licensed by Dynamite Entertainment.
- The first RoboCop trailer arrives
- Dark Horse Comics is getting Furious in December
- Editorial disagreements have caused J.H. Williams III and W. Haden Blackman to walk off DC’s Batwoman title.
- Transformers 4 gets a title and Dinobots
- Max Steel is getting the live action movie treatment
- The 2014 Harvey Awards winners have been announced