Browsing: Major Spoilers

— Due to illness, today’s MS-QOTD (you know how it’s pronounced) re-presents a Classic query from the distant summer of 2012.  It’s cool, though, ’cause no one responded the first time. Next up: my review of the new issue of ‘The Adventures Of Jerry Lewis.’ — The (no-longer-so-very) recent return of Metalocalypse has re-instilled my great admiration for Charles Foster Ofdensen, manager of the world’s most successful band, Dethklok.  Possessed of clarity of wit, iron-clad sense of purpose and excessive levels of badass (One word: “Renovationklok.”  And, yes, I am aware that’s not an actual word.) Ofdensen remains unflappable,…

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While working in the television business, one can find some odd conversations.  One morning some years ago, during a full-on news broadcast, two of my colleagues and I began having a discussion about ‘Sesame Street’ of all things, during which the director revealed his utter hatred for Elmo.  His rant was a fascinating thing, illuminating why he believed “that little red bastard” wasn’t really a part of the Street at all, but instead a usurper and that “Sesame Street doesn’t need his crap.”  (This discussion was being had by three people aged 35 to almost 60, none of whom were…

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Comics fans, on the whole, are an opinionated lot, and as a long-time fan of the Legion of Super-Heroes, I’m counted among the most passionate (and dichotomous) fan bases of all.  When DC announced the cancellation of LSH in favor of a fifth book in their JLA franchise, though, I was honestly a little bit relieved (mostly because Levitz Legion 2.0 was a moribund and frankly depressing piece of the team’s storied history.)  Still, the replacement of the world’s largest and most diverse super-team with more Batman and more Superman exemplified the accelerating trend in comics and comic-based media over…

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The end of the world is nigh, and it’s all Reggie’s fault!  This week, Matthew and Stephen pick up and review Afterlife with Archie #1 from Archie Comics. If you don’t like spoilers, don’t listen to this episode until after you’ve read the book…. and you really need to rush out and buy this book!

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The weather in Kansas has turned cool, leading people to declare that it’s winter already and begin the yearly ritual of denouncing theories of climate change because winter on the plains tends to be cold.  Here at Stately Spoilers Manor West, we’ve already begun discussing when to begin using the furnace and figuring holiday flight plans, without once saying farewell to the season that ‘s on its way out.  This lamentable condition, in turn, begs a query… The MS-QOTD (pronounced, as always, “misquoted”) agrees with renowned philosopher Barnabus Stinson that we need to at least briefly mourn the end of bikini…

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Munchkin is a dedicated deck card game by Steve Jackson Games, written by Steve Jackson and illustrated by John Kovalic, that has a humorous take on role-playing games. Munchkin Fu and Munchkin Fu 2 are combined for this installment of Munchkin Land. But wait! We use a fast rule play in this installment.

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I once worked with a man who often  spoke at length about his dreams and aspirations, including one of the strangest life goals I’ve ever encountered:  An inexorable drive to visit the bar from the movie ‘Coyote Ugly.’  Part of his reasoning was, and I quote, “t’find out if that l’il blonde one was’s cute in real life as she looked in th’ movie.”  To be fair, he wasn’t the sharpest bulb in the barrel, and as goals go, it’s both harmless and reasonably attainable.  For my part, I’ve always had kind of a morbid curiosity about visiting the various…

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When I was a child, things were different.  Don’t worry, I’m not going to go off on a tangent of faux-stalgia, asking you to like if you remember the .45 RPM adaptors or whining about the “kids today”, like a dejected Baby Boomer learning how to Facebook.  But as Stephen will tell you, there once was a time when it was your solemn duty as a kid to wake up on Saturdays and eat a big ol’ bowl of Choco-Frosted Sugar Bombs while watching cartoons.  (*I* had a choice of raisin bran, Grape-Nuts or generic flakes of corn, a testament…

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