Browsing: Major Spoilers


This week on the Major Spoilers Podcast, Matthew and Stephen hold down the fort as the minutes tick away to 2014. This means it’s a mishmash show featuring numerous comic book and video game reviews, as well as a nice mixture of Batman and the Power Rangers.

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It’s been an interesting year to say the least here at Major Spoilers, from launching our VIP site (, welcoming new shows to the Major Spoilers Podcast Network, and even becoming Major Spoilers Entertainment, LLC.  It’s also been a stressful year with a lot tough choices that hopefully lead to positive outcomes for all involved.  With all the ups and downs, and knowing what we have planned for 2014, I’m kind of glad the year is over. [poll id=”317″]

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As a fan of both Super Sentai and Power Rangers (two things which are radically different, in the same way that Olive Garden is different from Italian cuisine), I often find that people assume that I’m also a fan of the Kamen Rider series.  To be honest, my K.R. knowledge is pretty limited (I’ve seen the Super Sentai crossover movies, bits and pieces of Kamen Rider Decade and the execrable American adaptation), and I haven’t found any great motivation to do anything about that.  Theoretically, it’s right up my alley, featuring cool super-heroes with cool powers, with a similar helmet-and-battle-suit…

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We end 2013 at the Wayne’s Comics podcast with a great interview, the perfect exclamation point for the past year! You’ll enjoy my interview with Onrie Kompan from the Yi Soon Shin series of comics! We talk about how the book about a real hero came to be, and what’s coming in the future! And yes, you’ll hear Stan Lee’s name in this chat, so be sure to listen in! You can find out more about this excellent comic and order your copies at this link! Then I share my thoughts on the best of the past year before everything…

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Some years ago, my friend and co-worker Tommy often used to muse about his zombie apocalypse team, who he would and would not want to bring along in the even of the end of the world.  Sadly, I seldom made the cut for survival After The End.  Here on the legendary intarwebz, you can’t swing a dead whelk without hitting a zombie quiz, cartoon or musing, which can start a thought process in the back of your head.  For my part, given the choice, I’d ditch Zuckerberg, Woody from ‘Cheers’ and even (regretfully) the lovely Emma Stone and ally myself…

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Since the earliest days of comic books, there have been a few naming conventions that have popped up over and over: The [Colored] [Noun]; [Noun]man & [Noun]woman; and more and more in recent years, [Random Meaningless Adjective].  But perhaps no example of nomenclature has gotten quite as much usage as the permutations of the honorific Captain, from Captain Atom all the way to Captain Zephyr with stops along the way at America, Marvel and Planet.  Of course, comics aren’t the only place one finds that particular form of address, with Captain Video, Captain Kirk and more lining the halls of…

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Of the many fan theories floating around the various hive-minds of pop culture, one of my favorites is the notion that “James Bond” is not a man so much as a designation; no matter what year, no matter where the hotspots are, MI:6’s top agent is always James Bond, and James Bond is always MI:6’s top agent.  Of course, as new recruits arrive and old spymasters are phased out and/or murdered by villain’s deathtraps, the face may change, but there will always be a Bond.  (Of course, this theory doesn’t take into account the changing faces of Ernst Stavro Blofeld,…

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This week, in my house anyway, there was nearly as much buildup to the annual Doctor Who Christmas Special as there was to the arrival of the Christmas Dragon himself.  (Long story, but suffice to say not all children are sanguine with the idea of people seeing them when they are sleeping.)  Having now experienced the whole arc of Eleven’s character, I find myself looking back and re-analyzing his entire run with new eyes.  While I agree with those who say that, dramatically, the show-runner controlling the fate of Eleven wanted to have his cake and eat it too,…

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For all the hassles of the holiday season, from consumerism to the earwormiest music of all through the social jujitsu of figuring out who will be offended if you offer the wrong hearty greeting, there are a few constants.  One of the greatest is that warm feeling when you realize you got someone exactly what they wanted (or, even better, something they love but never even considered that they might want.)  I’ve successfully surprised my wife a time or two, but I will probably never be able to overmatch the year where she pooled all her holiday money with friends…

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Christmas Eve, and all through the house, not a creature is stirring blah blah blah fishcakes.  As with most parents, I’m preparing to do an idiotic amount of moving things about in the middle of the night, but unlike most years, I’m also enjoying a rare day away from work with the Widget.  As we prepare for tomorrow’s big Doctor Who reveal, we also enter the final laps of the yearly festivals of giving, lights and/or heavy drinking, which does beg a particular query… The MS-QOTD (pronounced, as always, “misquoted”) sold my lucky watch to buy Stephen these combs, asking:…

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