Browsing: Major Spoilers

Munchkin is a dedicated deck card game by Steve Jackson Games, written by Steve Jackson and illustrated by John Kovalic, that has a humorous take on role-playing games. This week on Munchkin Land – WE’RE BACK! After the holiday hiatus most of the regular players are back for some high seas adventures… in spaaaaaaace!

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One of the more interesting side-effects of the casting of Wonder Woman for the ‘Man Of Steel’ sequel is the repeated internet argument that, “At least she’ll get her own movie, Black Widow never will.”  While it’s obvious how this speculation came to be, it’s a train of thought that I don’t entirely follow.  Based on her scenes in the Avengers flick, the character has unexplored potential, and Scarlett Johansson is what movie types call a “bankable” actress.  In the right movie, one which played up her acrobatics and spy-type exploits, let her be the awesome strategist and kick the…

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The medium of comics takes a lot of ribbing (much of it, admittedly justified), but it seems that nothing is considered more of a “comic-book” trope than a sudden, dramatic return from the dead.  As one who used to work in broadcast television, forced to watch hours and hours of afternoon soap operas, I can tell you it’s hardly a trope unique to comics.  Indeed, many a character has had her own return from the great hoary neitherworld, and even the venerable Sherlock Holmes pulled off a notable shocking resurrection.  Every one of us has examples of characters that we…

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In this installment of Critical Hit: A Major Spoilers Dungeons and Dragons Podcast: The group stands before the king of Diamond Throne and make their plea for support. NOTE: Level 14 character sheets are now available at and the Critical Hit Logo T-Shirts are indeed at

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During our latest Dueling Review, Stephen and I both expressed a concern that, regardless of how entertaining Detective Comics #27 was or wasn’t, the $7.99 price point was difficult to swallow.  In a world where a regular comic is $3.99 for 20-odd pages of story, a triple-sized comic at eight bucks is actually delivering a better value for your money, but it’s still hard to justify spending that much money on a single comic book.  When I started reading comics, double-sized books were a dollar, and I remember being bothered greatly by the 25% cover price increase from 60 to…

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While I utterly loathe the Internet’s adoption of “unpopular opinion” as a euphemism for “excuse to say abusive, inappropriate or otherwise odious tripe”, I have to admit to my own less-than-widespread assessment: I still enjoy watching Family Guy.  Yes, Seth MacFarlane’s comedy sensibilities lean a bit too hard on gross-out and referential humor, and there isn’t a single redeeming character anywhere in Quahog, but the recent trilogy dealing with the death of Brian Griffin managed to deliver some funny, a little heart-warming and a nice cameo turn by Paulie Walnuts as new dog Vinnie.  Most impressively, they took the elastic…

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Games That Occupied Our Time in 2013 Top Five is a show where the hosts categorize, rank, compare, and stratify everything… from cars to gadgets to people and movies. From stuff that is hot, and things that are not nearly as interesting – it’s Top Five. When we aren’t recording shows, or reading comic books, we’re playing games, and in this episode we look at those games that ate up our time in 2013.

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The next Major Spoilers Live Chat is scheduled for January 12, 2014 at 1:30 PM CDT for our VIP Gold Members, at the Major Spoilers VIP site. This is your chance to talk with Rodrigo, Stephen, Zach, and maybe a few other members of the Major Spoilers Crews about anything related to Major Spoilers or whatever is on your mind! If you aren’t a VIP Gold Member, sign up now and join in on the live stream this Sunday. If you missed the December FREE VIP Chat, you can watch the replay, here.

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With the new boom in superhero movies, we’ve entered a fascinating period in comic films, one in which yesterday’s Daredevil is today’s Batman, and the previous Human Torch has now become Captain America.  It’s not uncommon to find such casting decisions in Hollywood (How many tough cops has Bruce Willis played since ‘Die Hard’?), and while it does raise certain issues (type-casting for one, homogenization of our theatre-going experiences for another) I choose to see it as another sign of the successful mainstreaming of nerdly concepts.  Being the guy that I am, I might enjoy seeing Jason David Frank as…

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You prob’ly can’t tell, but I’m singing right now. You may want to know why, but the question is how? Seems that singing in prose is just writin’ a poem, So let’s cut straight to the chase and bring this sucker home. Dating back to the earliest days of TV, A number of tropes turn up repeatedly. The musical episode concept repeats, From Gilligan’s arias to Buffy’s backbeats. Many of our TV friends show off hidden talent (At the cost of our disbelief being suspen’t) Even if that conceit makes the listeners leery. Thus, in turn, we consider a lyrical…

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Knowing of Rodrigo’s love for the animated Disney ‘Robin Hood’, Widget and I were excited to find it available on Netflix.  Having not seen the flick since its theatrical re-release in the 80s, I was pleased to find that it held up quite well, despite mixed reviews and several internet wags who have labeled it “worst cartoon EVURRRRR.”  Luckily for me, my brain immediately shuts down and ignores that particular bit of hyperbole, preferring to focus on the more positive aspects of…  Well, pretty much anything.  When it comes to Disney’s various theatrical cartoons, I’ve always had a soft spot…

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In this installment of Critical Hit: A Major Spoilers Dungeons and Dragons Podcast: You’ve been asking, and now we are answering. NOTE: Level 14 character sheets are now available at and the Critical Hit Logo T-Shirts are indeed at

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After this week’s ‘Community’ premiere made such hay of the acting style (for some values of either word) of Nicolas Cage, I got to thinking about his body of work, the oeuvre he represents, and how maybe Nic gets a little bit too much static for being ubiquitous.  Of course, here’s also the fact that his eyebrows do more acting in ‘Peggy Sue Got Married’ than some actors have done in their entire careers.  (I was going to go for a cheap Kristin Stewart barb there, but I figured why be mean?)  For my part, there’s a lot of fun…

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