Browsing: Major Spoilers

A FedEx package just arrived with something special inside. I was so excited, I grabbed my iPhone and captured the unboxing, just for you. I didn’t realize until well after I completed this video that the miniposters can be combined to form a bigger image on the back of the cards.

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While I’m not going to pretend that the movie ‘Ted’ is a great film worthy of respect, (it’s a potty-mouthed lowest-common-denominator joke-fest, with a rather bland, love-conquers-all ending) but I’ll admit to finding great amusement in a scene where a sixty-year-old Sam J. Jones crashed a party and did an extensive riff on his most recognizable role, that of Flash Gordon.  Though the jokes were pretty much low-hanging fruit (mostly drug humor and a bit with an angry Asian man, unfortunately named “Ming”), the scene is one of the more memorable of the movie, and sort of makes me wish…

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Yesterday was a snow day at Stately Spoilers Manor East, which meant that I spent a portion of my day perusing superhero uniforms on the internet in order to keep my sanity while Widget and her pet tiger ran roughshod all over my house.  While researching Gal Gadot, I found myself running into a number of different variations on Wonder Woman’s look, including the much-maligned uniform from J. Michael Straczyinski’s otherwise terrible pre-New 52 run on WW.  Though unfortunately paired with a featureless leather jacket (a 90s touch that’s the kiss of death for many super-suits), it nonetheless has a…

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This week on the Major Spoilers Podcast, The Flash has cast a cutie, Lex Luthor heads back to the big screen, there’s a wedding going on in Invincible Universe #10, Winter has arrived in Adventure Time, Codename: Action sees some action, and Rodrigo reviews Spaced Out. The Superbowl movie trailers and the end of superhero movies, all in this issue of The Major Spoilers Podcast.

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Munchkin is a dedicated deck card game by Steve Jackson Games, written by Steve Jackson and illustrated by John Kovalic, that has a humorous take on role-playing games. This week on Munchkin Land, we are building a Critical Hit 15-card expansion set to be used with Munchkin. WE NEED YOUR HELP! Use the comment section below, and let’s make this happen.

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Over the years, there have been a lot of incarnations of Superman, each of which has crossed swords (metaphorically speaking) with a lot of incarnations of one Lex Luthor.  Over the last week or so, there has been much ado about the latest incarnation of Luthor, set to appear in the already-controversial sequel to ‘Man Of Steel.’  You’d think that after the uproar about Ben Affleck’s Batman and Wonder Woman’s appearance, that people would be tired of jumping to conclusions, but as a comics fan of three decades standing, I’ll tell ya for free it’s not so.  For my money,…

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It’s always a fun and informative time when I get to chat with Phil Hester, a double-barreled comics threat since he’s both an accomplished writer and artist! Phil talks about IDW’s T.H.U.N.D.E.R. Agents and Image’s Invincible Universe, two team books that are keeping him busy these days. He discusses how he landed the IDW gig and also about how he works with Robert Kirkman and Cory Walker to make the latter a great monthly title! Then we delve into several changes in the comics industry, so I’m sure you’re going to want to hear what he has to say! Everything…

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When I was in college,  working in college radio, I was always aware of, if not necessarily impressed by, the new, hip music.  The recent live-blogging of the Grammy awards by people interested (and people intent on making sure we knew they were *NOT* interested) underlined for me how much that is no longer true, with a parade of names and people of whom I’ve heard, but couldn’t pick out of a lineup to save my ‘Howard The Duck’ collection.  Based on the limited amount of information I have, I expect that I might enjoy Daft Punk, but have never…

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Some years ago, while out with a group of friends doing obnoxious group of friend things, a coworker named Denny informed our waitress that his name was ‘Enzio Beemish, of the Bayonne, New Jersey Beemishes,’ setting off a chain reaction of terrible fake names, including ‘Oliver Closehoff’ and of course, ‘Chuck Steak.’  Still, if the example of George Costanza teaches us only one thing (and the odds of that seem pretty solid), it’s that you need to have a good alias in your back pocket in case of emergency.  Unfortunately, not everyone can pull off the likes of ‘Art Vandelay…

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When I was younger, I always hated when the antagonists of the various tales I consumed would stand back and let their underlings do all the fighting for them.  When it came to evil overlords, I preferred Megatron’s hands-on approach to nastiness and perfidy, finding Cobra Commander’s tendency to send in waves of cannon fodder somehow cowardly.  Now, in my dotage, I have had a change of heart, finding the chess-master archetype to be compelling, as when the nefarious Basco Ta Jalokia used his Ranger simulacra to kick the stuffing out of his foes.  Maybe it’s my age showing, maybe…

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