Browsing: Major Spoilers

After this year’s Oscar broadcast (which I didn’t watch, but got the gist of from which jokes would trend on Twitter), I have come to the realization that nobody ever seems to reward the things that *I* find most entertaining: ‘Best Goofy Accent’, ‘Best Attempt To Approximate A Comic Book Costume In Basketball Skin’, ‘Best Use Of Gwyneth Paltrow In A Way That Makes Her Palatable.’  Indeed, the one thing that becomes clear after any and all awards shows is the fact that awards shows are inherently subjective, and that one man’s ‘Best Actor’ is the next man’s Matthew McConaughy. …

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I try not to let the things said on the internet get to me, but I’ve always had a grave distaste for those who refer to lesser-known characters as “C-list” or similar dismissive terms, with the underlying arrogant implication that popularity is the only measure that matters.  With the Guardians of the Galaxy headed to the big screen, it’s an even more prevalent argument, with some complaining that they don’t know who any of the characters are, as if something being unknown is intrinsically a bad thing.  I am a repeated champion of the lesser-known characters, even those who don’t…

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Though I’ve a lot of favorite stories that take place in space, most of them (especially ‘The Black Hole’) aren’t the kind of places you’d really want to visit.  Any world where Norman Bates ends up as a respected member of the scientific community is not the kind of world I’m comfortable living in.  The same goes for Battlestar Galactica; no matter how beautiful the women or how awesome the Vipers are, I’d really hate the whole ‘on the run from cyborg overlords who want to kill everything human’ aspect of the world.  (I haven’t seen the rebooted B.G., so…

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In this installment of Critical Hit: A Major Spoilers Dungeons and Dragons Podcast: The group finds that Cog technology is very specific. This episode is sponsored by Shades of Vengeance’s ERA: The Consortium Sci-Fi Tabletop RPG NOTE: You can download the Torqletones song for FREE at NOTE: Level 14 character sheets are now available at and the Critical Hit Logo T-Shirts are indeed at

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This last week at the store, one of our periodic unexpected treasures walked in the door: An original, sealed-in-plastic box of Magic: The Gathering Revised Edition booster packs from 1994.  According to Henchman Chris (his actual job description), the response of the seller to hearing his offer was a moment of silent shock, and the questions about whether to break it up to sell as individual packs or maintain its two-decade-old unbroken seals.  Most amazingly, since this dates back to the point where Otter Disaster and I actually (poorly) played MTG, I actually had a knowledge enough to join in…

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In honor of this week’s Fantastic Four #1, we go back to one of the old-school wells of comic-book discussion, the nature of cosmic ray effects.  There are a lot of explanations about the Fantastic Four and their abilities, especially as to the classical four “elements” and who represents which.  Even if one were to poo-poo the Earth/Air/Fire/Water or the Father/Mother/Adolescent/Infant interpretation (Ben even wears a diaper), it’s clear that the four members of the FF are well-balanced not only in terms of abilities but in their general characterization and temperament as well.  If I were a Beatle, I’d be…

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After reading this week’s trade paperback review for the Major Spoilers podcast, I’ve been thinking about the tropes of pulp and superhero fiction as regards the differentiation between “Hero” and “Sidekick.”  One of the biggest problems with the Seth Rogen ‘Green Hornet’ movie from my perspective came in the treatment of the Hornet as a dipstick bumbler of Maxwell Smart proportions, turning the responsibility for most all of the heroism, gadgetry and combat over to sidekick Kato.  The reason for this is clear: Most people know the character from his Bruce Lee incarnation.  But, the tendency for the secondary character…

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This week on the Major Spoilers Podcast, It’s The Red Panda! Plus, The Veil, Pariah, The X-Files, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Myth, Spider-Man, Darth Vader, Rodrigo, Zach, and The Rest! Thanks to Shades of Vengeance for sponsoring this episode, check out their Era: The Consortium Kickstarter Tabletop RPG campaign.

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Munchkin is a dedicated deck card game by Steve Jackson Games, written by Steve Jackson and illustrated by John Kovalic, that has a humorous take on role-playing games. This week on Munchkin Land, Rodrigo mixes it up with two decks and an expansion set that creates a horde of horde monsters. Who will win? Who will die!? Thanks to Shades of Vengeance for sponsoring this episode, check out their Era: The Consortium Kickstarter Tabletop RPG campaign.

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