Or – “Everything That You Once Knew Was Wrong Is Wronger Still…” If you’ve been reading, (and I thank you if ya have), you may have noticed that I have an affinity for team books. In most cases, the bigger the cast, the happier I am. This is a common malady among comic fans my age, and most of us blame it on The Legion. I was introduced to the 30th century through the digest-sized reprints that DC put out in the early 80’s, reprinting the seminal run from Adventure Comics lo those million years ago. At the time, the…
Browsing: DC
Has it been a month already? DC Comics has sent Major Spoilers all the juicy previews for titles shipping in February 2007. Take the jump for the huge list of goodies. ABSOLUTE BATMAN: THE LONG HALLOWEEN Written by Jeph Loeb Art and cover by Tim Sale Don’t miss the latest ABSOLUTE EDITION from DC, collecting the landmark, award-winning 13-issue miniseries written by Jeph Loeb (BATMAN: HUSH) with art by Tim Sale (SUPERMAN FOR ALL SEASONS)! As the Dark Knight struggles to find an elusive, mysterious serial killer who strikes only on holidays, he discovers no shortage of suspects in a…
Heroes Will Fall Week 27 is a bad one for 52. Not in the storytelling, but rather in the tragedy of the heroes’ lives. After following the events of this week, including another of my Crack Pot Theories of the Week, you’re going to sit up and say “Whoa!”
Or “A Mystery Within An Enigma Wrapped In Bacon and Deep-Fried In Batter.” Recently, I mentioned on the forums how DC’s Shadowpact comic was adhering to the fanboy rule of thumb regarding the Star Trek movie franchise: the odd-numbered issues leave me cold, whereas the even-numbered ones give me hope to come back for the next time ’round. With this issue, Outsiders officially joins the Roddenberry Rondelay, with an issue that adds yet another layer of questions, a terribly unfortunate tonsorial decision and some serious bad behavior.
Paul Dini Truly Missed Dr. Phosphorus is back! I never knew he left. Once presumed dead, it is up to the Batman to track the fiery doctor. This issue also finds Paul Dini taking a break, while Royal McGraw steps up in an attempt to fill some big shoes. Does the shoe fit?
DC Comics has sent us a preview of issue 51 of Y: The Last Man, which will be in stores this week. Take the jump for a tantalizing preview.
Parting is such sweet sorrow The halfway point in the incredible weekly serial is upon us, and it is time for teams to part to complete their leg of the journey. But parting is never the end of the book, but the beginning of the next chapter.
“He Doesn’t Have to Shoot You Now.” “He Does SO Have to Shoot Me Now!” Oh Shadowpact, your wacky adventures and skewed continuity have readers split on whether or not they should love you or hate you. Issue six kicks off a new storyline, but has Shadowpact gone to the dogs?
Or “Will You, Won’t You, Will You, Won’t You, Won’t You Join The Dance?” The “Countdown to Infinite Crisis” tie-in miniseries were a mixed bag. “Rann-Thanagar War” was interesting, but in trying to show us the sheer scope of a war, it ended up feeling like a series of unrelated vignettes. “Day of Vengeance” was excellent, “OMAC Project” good but strange, but in my mind, the real gem of the line was “Villains United.” Not only did it establish the Society (And who’d have thought that a concept like the Secret Society of Super-Villains would be a hot commodity in…
Want a sneak peek at Darwyn Cooke’s Spirit #1 and Superman and Batman Vs Alien and Predator? Take the jump for all the goodness. I particularly excited about the new Spirit stories coming our way and think Cooke’s artwork is a unique take on Eisner’s work.
DC Comics has sent Major Spoilers the long list of collected editions expected to hit stores in March and April 2007. If you have missed out on some of the longer story lines that kicked off One Year Later, many are included in the first quarter release. My particular favorites in the list are Robin: Wanted, The Flash: The Fastest Man Alive – Lightning in a Bottle, Batman: Detective, and Batman: Snow.
Variety is reporting that Bryan Singer has inked a deal with Warner Bros. Pictures to produce and direct the sequel to Superman Returns. Even though there is no budget or script, the film should hit the screen in 2009. The deal comes shortly after the announcement that Superman Returns passed the $200 million mark domestically. Even though the film has made $390 million world wide, I believe the studio was hoping to make that money in less time. Audiences were split on the like it or hate it factor, with many expecting the movie to have more action than it…
DC Comics has sent us a preview of titles scheduled to be in stores November 1, 2006. Jonah Hex #13 tells the origin of Hex. Looks like 13 really is his unlucky number. Superman Confidential should be one of those must have titles, especially since it is illustrated by Tim Sale and written by Darwyn Cooke. Don’t forget to click the thumbnails!
Best gets better on DVD While The Justice League had an awesome run on Cartoon Network, it wasn’t until Justice League Unlimited debuted that we really saw what an ensemble series could really do. Season One is out on DVD now, and is simply incredible.