Browsing: DC


Or – “Trying To Recapture Wolfman/Perez Again?” The sad truth about the Teen Titans is that, out of eight different versions of the team, only one has really ever been overtly successful.  (That’s eight DISTINCT versions, not counting revamps within an existing run or team lineup changes within various teams.)  This version harkens back to the far-flung past year of 2003, but the team’s newest member promises to bring things into the 21st century…

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It’s been far, far, far too long since we featured our statue gallery, and since this works of art are just lining up to be featured, we thought now was just as good a time as any to show off these miniature marvels.  This week we take a look at DC Direct’s Women of the DC Universe – Catwoman statue based on the art of Adam Hughes.

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This week on the show: The Complete Bone! Reviews! Odin does something to Iron Man! All this, plus Matthew, too, in this installment of the Major Spoilers Podcast. [podcast][/podcast] Direct Download Subscribe via iTunes RSS Feed WARNING: MAJOR SPOILERS IS NOT RESPONSIBLE IF YOU SPIT COFFEE ALL OVER YOUR COMPUTER IF YOU LISTEN TO THIS EPISODE AT WORK. Show Notes after the Jump!

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Or – “Justice, Like Lightning, Should Ever Appear, One If By Land, Two If By Sea…” The Bronze Age of comics brought the winds of change, and though Luke Cage, John Stewart, T’Challa and others preceded him, Jefferson Pierce was DC’s first African-American headline character… Is his first swingin’ 70’s appearance Dy-No-MITE, or will this issue be a jive turkey?

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Four members have been introduced in this all new take on the Justice League. This issue finds two warriors joining in the fight, and another fighting for his life.

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If you have been watching Cartoon Network (or reading Major Spoilers multiple times every day), you’ve seen word about the new programming block called DC Nation.  The trailer for the block has appeared, and if you look closely, you’ll see a few surprises that could make a two hour block of original content must see TV for DC fans.

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Or – “All We’re Missing Is Those Guys From Camelot 3000…” Paul Cornell has said that the genesis of this project came when he was asked to write a Demon monthly, but wasn’t entirely happy with trying to do Etrigan in modern times.  Given how difficult it is to launch a non-superhero title these days, and how hard it is to write something in knightly times without becoming a Tolkienesque epic or the Eye Of Argon, I’m doubly impressed with how good this series has been…

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If you were wondering when Darkseid would appear in the pages of Justice League, you only have to wait until December, when the villain reveals himself.  But you don’t have to wait that long to see how Jim Lee has redesigned the Justice League foe.

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Or – “It’s Timber Wolf Doing What He Does Best…” …and what he does best ain’t pretty.  Soon, he’ll be joining the JLA and the JLA Dark, as well as fighting with Cosmic Boy for control of the team in a group schism that will shatter the status quo forever. Or, y’know, not…

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