In this installment of Critical Hit – A Major Spoilers Podcast: Your questions, our answers! Visit the Major Spoilers store for Critical Hit and Major Spoilers merchandise! NOTE: Orem Rivendorn Level 16 character sheet is now available at Use the code CriticalHit at for $5.00 off your first purchase.
Browsing: Critical Hit
Listen, learn, and laugh along with the members of the Critical Hit Podcast. The continuing saga of four adventurers seeking fortune and glory in the world of Dungeons and Dragons. Plenty of role playing and fun for anyone interested in the D&D experience. Newbies or seasoned vets will get a kick out of this live campaign.
Critical Hit is a real play podcast that uses the Dungeons and Dragons 4 edition (D&D4e) for the primary gameplay.
The players also use the FATE system, Pathfinder, Call of Cthulhu, and D&D5e for various campaigns.
Critical Hit’s new season starts in just a few weeks, who will return?
In this installment of Critical Hit – A Major Spoilers Podcast: The players discuss the pros and cons of Fate based on the game they just played. Visit the Major Spoilers store for Critical Hit and Major Spoilers merchandise! NOTE: FATE character sheets are now available at Use the code CriticalHit at for $5.00 off your first purchase.
It’s time to learn what Season 5 of Critical Hit will be called. But first…
At least three times I month I find myself looking down the barrel of a handful of dice waiting to ruin my evening while an evil GM cackles with delight. I can now drink away my D&D woes while my dice keeps things frosty.
In this installment of Critical Hit – A Major Spoilers Podcast: A signal has been detected! A trip to the Gulf is in order! Visit the Major Spoilers store for Critical Hit and Major Spoilers merchandise! NOTE: FATE character sheets are now available at Use the code CriticalHit at for $5.00 off your first purchase.
In this installment of Critical Hit – A Major Spoilers Podcast: Free Agent takes his family out for some fine dining. Visit the Major Spoilers store for Critical Hit and Major Spoilers merchandise! NOTE: FATE character sheets are now available at Use the code CriticalHit at for $5.00 off your first purchase. There are no images for this episode. Sorry about that.
I love seeing fan art from our RPG Podcast, Critical Hit. I love seeing the various interpretations, takes, and of course the talent on display. Today, I found this wonderful piece by Jake Perez of everyone’s favorite three-quarter orc!
In this installment of Critical Hit – A Major Spoilers Podcast: Unexpected visitors drop by. Is that a threat? Visit the Major Spoilers store for Critical Hit and Major Spoilers merchandise! NOTE: FATE character sheets are now available at Use the code CriticalHit at for $5.00 off your first purchase.
In this installment of Critical Hit – A Major Spoilers Podcast: A little interrogation and a little undercover work! Visit the Major Spoilers store for Critical Hit and Major Spoilers merchandise! NOTE: FATE character sheets are now available at Use the code CriticalHit at for $5.00 off your first purchase.
In this installment of Critical Hit – A Major Spoilers Podcast: We spend a little time talking about the mechanics of building an encounter and discuss consequences in the FATE system. Visit the Major Spoilers store for Critical Hit and Major Spoilers merchandise! NOTE: FATE character sheets are now available at Use the code CriticalHit at for $5.00 off your first purchase.
In this installment of Critical Hit – A Major Spoilers Podcast: The weapons factory is discovered, and you’ll be as surprised as the heroes when you find out who runs it! Visit the Major Spoilers store for Critical Hit and Major Spoilers merchandise! NOTE: FATE character sheets are now available at Get your FREE audiobook today by going to!
In this installment of Critical Hit – A Major Spoilers Podcast: It’s time to follow the clues, which lead to an old enemy. Plus, who is that in Free Agent’s house? Visit the Major Spoilers store for Critical Hit and Major Spoilers merchandise!
In this installment of Critical Hit – A Major Spoilers Podcast: BIFF! BAM! POW! (and that’s just from Professor Disaster King) Visit the Major Spoilers store for Critical Hit and Major Spoilers merchandise!