The BBC has released the first official publicity image of The Doctor and his new companion, played by Jenna-Louise Coleman.
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What happens when a kid writes a Doctor Who script in a BBC contest? Let’s just say the Doctor and Amy won’t be blinking much in this three minute short.
Anything that can reduce the stress in our lives is a good thing. The Daleks are returning to Doctor Who in the seventh series, and they have discovered a way to help us relax.
A number of Doctor Who episodes for Series Seven have been shot, which means it’s time for the trailers to start arriving in our e-mail boxes. I am so glad BBC America and the BBC have their programming aligned, because I don’t think I could wait half a year to see this series.
If you were speculating when Amy Pond would be leaving The Doctor’s side, and who would be the next companion to follow the time traveler, the BBC has announced the new sidekick.
While many people are excited to learn new tidbits of information regarding the BBC’s Doctor Who and Sherlock Holmes, I’m excited to hear that Dirk Gently is returning for another run.
Yes, the BBCs time-traveling dinosaur show is back! Now with MORE TIME-TRAVELING DINOSAURS! But wait, what happened to all the characters who got stranded in the cretaceous last season? Could they have been eaten by… time traveling dinosaurs…?