Hitting the #1 issue trend before it becomes all the rage with Marvel NOW! is Gambit. Is the solo book following the thief from the South worth your time? Major Spoilers gives you the low down ahead!
Author: Zach Woolf
Nite Owl and Rorschach are back after a strong outing in the much talked about Before Watchmen series of books. Will issue two hold up or will it flounder in its second issue? Major Spoilers is putting on its owl googles and giving you the answer.
That fight that had been building up for issues finally took place last issue and left Uncle Aaron burning on the road. Miles now has to deal with the fallout from such a public fight, but it’s not just the newspapers that have their eye on the new Spider-Man, the Ultimates would like a word with him as well. Major Spoilers is here to give you a rundown of the latest issue of Ultimate Spider-Man.
Warner Brothers and DC keep chugging along with putting out animated movies based off the seminal tales throughout their history. This time up it’s Dark Knight Returns. To include the full scope of the story the Dark Knight Returns has been split into two films, and the trailer for the first is here.
Monkeybrain is back with another debut issue with Masks & Mobsters. Do the new kids on the block have another hit or will this make me sick? Major Spoilers is putting on its fedora and suspenders to give you this review.
Lizards are running in Horizon and spiders are fighting vampires in the sky, seems like a normal day in the Big Apple. Major Spoilers has your run down of Amazing Spider-Man #690 just after the jump.
Image Comics has released another first issue for a creator owned comic. Is Debris #1 worth picking up this week? Major Spoilers has your answer!
If you have made it to the theater for The Dark Knight Rises then you were treated with the first official trailer for Zach Synder’s Man of Steel. Well now Warner Brothers has released not only that trailer, but another with a change in the voice over. Check them out after the jump.
Avast! The Mermaid’s Bottom be out in open water ‘n under attack from th’ inside! Will ‘tis have ye shoutin’ “Whore and Gold!” or feelin’ a wee out of water? Major Spoilers has ye answer ahead!
In this final issue the true history of the mysterious man who jumped from an aircraft is brought to light and it isn’t what we have been lead to believe. The Secret History of D.B. Cooper #5 gets the Major Spoilers treatment right ahead!
Over 50 years ago nine skiers suffered an unexplainable demise, but now Lane Decker is traveling to Russia to learn the truth.
With Disney’s purchase of Marvel some three years ago, fans have been waiting for a cross-over between each companies wide range of properties. Coming next summer will be the first such event broadcast to your television screen, and I don’t think it was possible to make a better choice.
On Friday, Oni Press took to the stage to make the announcement of coming collections of a few web-series and to tease us with two new original works. Learn the details after the jump.
At the Dark Horse Creators Panel yesterday Eric Powell gave out no news on The Goon finally coming to theaters. Well apparently he was waiting to make the announcement on an even bigger stage, Twitter.