Author: Matthew Peterson

Once upon a time, there was a young nerd from the Midwest, who loved Matter-Eater Lad and the McKenzie Brothers... If pop culture were a maze, Matthew would be the Minotaur at its center. Were it a mall, he'd be the Food Court. Were it a parking lot, he’d be the distant Cart Corral where the weird kids gather to smoke, but that’s not important right now... Matthew enjoys body surfing (so long as the bodies are fresh), writing in the third person, and dark-eyed women. Amongst his weaponry are such diverse elements as: Fear! Surprise! Ruthless efficiency! An almost fanatical devotion to pop culture! And a nice red uniform.

With Steve Rogers reverted to his actual age (or at least something well above Avengers active duty roster age), the original Captain America has stepped aside, allowing a new Cap to take the field.  How will Sam Wilson’s first adventure as the Sentinel of Liberty go?  Your Major Spoilers review of All-New Captain America #1 awaits!

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I admit it: I had a metaphorical blonde moment. Wait, that’s probably offensive… Apologies to my blonde friends, better to say I forgot. Either way, I almost spaced on today’s MS-QOTD. Thanks to multiple recording sessions (#KeepItCryptic), I ‘ve been getting up late and running behind most of the week. Fortunately, I keep my feathers numbered for just such an emergency, as I’m terrible at planning. Even my graduate thesis prospectus was a last minute affair, written over 48 hours with no sleep. Since we’re nearing the season(s) of giving and because I vamp really well, let us ponder today’s…

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Because of the unique nature of Marvel’s deal with Sony Pictures (Short version: Marvel leveraged their properties for cash during a downturn, and Sony seems to be able to hold the rights as long as they are actively using them), we’ve seen five Spider-Man films in the past 12 years, with two more Spidey outings and several proposed spinoffs in the pipeline.  Even *Batman* hasn’t seen that level of saturation (8 films in the last 25 years), and the mercenary impetus behind the series has shown through in the finished product here and there.  I have my issues with the…

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The superhero binge of 1966 brought caped crusaders of all stripes out of the woodwork.  Mild-mannered scientists of all stripes, pop stars, funny animals, random fat men, teen-agers, spies and even grocery clerks became defenders of justice in those halcyon days, and so it was that the kids of Riverdale gained their own superhuman powers, and even a (short-lived) super-team!  Your Major Spoilers (retro) review of Betty And Me #5 awaits!

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The Green Lantern Corps has taken a beating in their first battle against the forces of New Genesis, and now they have to call upon some unusual allies if they are to succeed…  Your Major Spoilers review of Green Lantern #36 awaits!

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This week marks the release of the remastered Miracleman #13, which was by coincidence the first issue of the book I ever bought, waaaay back in 1987, featuring a wonderful moment featuring Miraclewoman, a mixed metaphor, and a time-jump that would lead us to the madness of issue #15.  I am a bit confused, though, as I’ve heard literally NO feedback from anyone regarding these reprinted issues, good or bad, which makes me think that perhaps Miracleman’s time has passed.  Certainly, it is a product of the 1980s, and given the high-profile work that The Original Writer (*coughAlanMoorecough*) produced in…

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The Spider-people of various universes have gathered, but the menace they face is greater than any of them have ever seen before.  Will our Spider-Man survive?  Will ANY of them?  Your Major Spoilers review of Amazing Spider-Man #9 awaits!

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With the return of the Star Wars properties to Marvel Comics, Stephen and I (and pretty much ONLY Stephen and I) have been awaiting the return of Jaxxon, the breakout star of the title for a brief moment back 1977.  For my money, it’s a no-brainer, as Jaxxon (and the rest of the cast of Han’s first (you should excuse the expression) solo adventure, a ‘Magnificent Seven’ pastiche also featuring doddering Jedi Master Don-Wan Kihotay) are memorable and fun, which is more than you can say for Lord Xizor or that one angry dude from the cantina sequence.  Indeed, the…

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The Sensational Character Find of 1940 is now a two-fisted super-spy in the employ of Spyral.  Teamed up with Helena Bertinelli, Agent Grayson must infiltrate rival agency Checkmate to stop the superhuman arms race.  Your Major Spoilers review of Grayson #4 awaits!

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When I heard that Kurt Busiek, the maestro of Astro City, had another creator-owned property coming out, I knew immediately that I was on board for the ride.  But what in the world would the whole thing be all about?  Your Major Spoilers review of Tooth And Claw #1 awaits!

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Mullet Headband Rogue.  Weird Bandolier Cyclops.  Peek-A-Boo Ninja Psylocke.  Marvel’s latest batch of promotional materials teases something having to do with the X-Men’s 1992 versions, including pink-armor Gambit and big fuzzy Beast, which may or may not be related to the cartoon series.  Whatever Marvel is planning, they’ve definitely got people talking, and some are concerned about a “Shattered Image”-type tale that would permanently remove the X-Men from continuity.  For my money, though, I’d rather see intentionally retro X-Men fighting against injustice and mutant angst in the world of Eddie Vedder and Chelsea Clinton with an ongoing series permanently set…

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The new Avengers trailer makes much humor of the fact that not EVERYONE is worthy to lift the mighty croquet mallet of Thor.  Of course, one of those suspects has already brandished Mjolnir in the regular comic book continuity.  But which one?  Your Major Spoilers (retro) review of The Mighty Thor #390 awaits!

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Sometimes, you wonder if a book is going to be any good, or whether it’s just going to disappoint you and leave you sad like so many other books have.  And sometimes, you find your expectations are more than met.  Your Major Spoilers review of Justice League United Annual #1 awaits!

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Just in time for Halloween, it’s an anthology of seasonal suspense and black humor from Monkeybrain Comics.  Wanna see something REALLY scary?  Your Major Spoilers review of Boo! Halloween Stories 2014 awaits!

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