Author: Matthew Peterson

Once upon a time, there was a young nerd from the Midwest, who loved Matter-Eater Lad and the McKenzie Brothers... If pop culture were a maze, Matthew would be the Minotaur at its center. Were it a mall, he'd be the Food Court. Were it a parking lot, he’d be the distant Cart Corral where the weird kids gather to smoke, but that’s not important right now... Matthew enjoys body surfing (so long as the bodies are fresh), writing in the third person, and dark-eyed women. Amongst his weaponry are such diverse elements as: Fear! Surprise! Ruthless efficiency! An almost fanatical devotion to pop culture! And a nice red uniform.

Return to the world of ‘Batman: The Animated Series’ with this digital-first series!  Harley Quinn is ready to declare her independence, but what will that mean for Gotham City?  Your Major Spoilers review of Harley Quinn And Batman #1 awaits!

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Cable and Conquest are traveling through time, trying to assemble the legendary Time Sword.  Unfortunately, Cable is trailing far behind…  Your Major Spoilers review of Cable #3 awaits!

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Superman and his allies are trapped in the Phantom Zone.  Zod has taken the Fortress.  Seems like all is lost… but where is Jon Kent?  Your Major Spoilers review of Action Comics #984 awaits!

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As Hazel and her family venture into the Badlands, their newest companion is left to hold down the fort on her own…  Your Major Spoilers review of Saga #45 awaits!

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Hydra has taken over.  Captain America is now a tyrant. Hawkeye and Red Wolf might have something to say about that…  Your Major Spoilers review of Occupy Avengers #9 awaits!

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