Latty, the valuable corgi with a big personality, has won Quark over. When mercenaries take the little dog, how much will Quark do to help Sisko track him – and the Borg device – down? Find out in Deep Space Nine: The Dog of War #3 from IDW Publishing!

Writer: Mike Chen
Artist: Angel Hernandez
Colorist: Nick Filardi
Letterer: Neil Uyetaki
Editor: Heather Antos
Publisher: IDW Publishing
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: June 7, 2023
Previously in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine – The Dog of War: Latty, the corgi continues to worm his way into the hearts of Deep Space Nine, even helping Julian and Miles in a survival simulation game. More surprisingly, Quark starts to develop a soft spot for him. Meanwhile, Dax receives an analysis of the schematics of the Borg device. It seems to be designed to replicate Borg thought transmission across a network. Someone should test it in a simulation, and Sisko decides it should be him. He rapidly realizes that there is a lot of data flowing through, and it takes him a little while to adjust. He is able to control drones in the simulation, but now he also knows what everyone on the station is doing. Quark’s deal may soon be finalized, although technically the Borg device is currently with Starfleet. He also learns that his buyer is interested in animal rarities…for taxidermy displays!
Deep Space Nine: The Dog of War #3 opens as Quark tries to talk himself out of the emotional attachment he has developed for Latty. The little dog is merchandise, he tells himself. Then he goes to the dog park simulation and he and the corgi find themselves at a going-away party for Latty. Quark steps away and quietly calls his buyer to ask for a time extension, accidentally letting it slip that Starfleet has the Borg device.
That night, Quark dreams of purebred dogs to sell until an alarm awakens him. Something has triggered an old Cardassian security lockdown. Station security is doing a sweep. Quark returns to the holosuite and restarts Vic’s program. Three people broke in and stole Latty before shutting Vic down. They report to Odo and find out that the Borg device was taken as well. Quark confesses they asked for the device back, but he never expected they would break in to take it.
Bashir calls in. The tracker he made for Latty, crude as it is, is still working. The corgi is near the Defiant. Worf makes his way there, finding confirmatory clumps of dog fur along the way. As Worf approaches the mercenaries, there is some heavy fire and then they beam away with Latty.
Quark tells Sisko about the animal rescue person who had concerns about Latty’s possible buyer. Sisko has him contact her. She tells them that their buyer is a black-market broker whose modus operandi is stealing data. The rare creatures are on their way in so they can gain access to the data. Activating the device scraped the station’s mainframe. So, they understand what is going on, but now they have some mercenaries to find.
Sisko gets Quark to contact his buyer, who tells him that the transaction is complete and there is no need to contact him again. Quark insists he should be paid for his trouble and then stalls for more time by saying he wanted to see the dog one last time. Meanwhile, Dax uses the ship schematic the animal rescuer gave them to try to figure out a way to boost the signal in Latty’s tracker. Quark and Latty stall just long enough.
The Admiral announces his intention to recover the Borg device and wipe the data. He tells Sisko they have no intention of recovering anything else that was stolen. Sisko talks him into sending his own team instead.
One of the fun things about the art of Deep Space Nine #3 is that Quark does not break character even while he has grown attached to Latty. As the crew bids the dog a fond farewell, Quark looks sour, even more than usual. His dream of dogs is brief but funny as the dogs all wear signs around their necks proclaiming that they are rare and valuable. But when the break-in occurs, we finally see a hint of concern cross the Ferengi’s face. The little dog is more than mere profit.
Worf’s pursuit of the mercenaries is short but dramatic. They’re in less traveled parts of the station and the strong contrast in the inking gives us the impression of dim light and deep shadows. Worf catches only a glimpse of the intruders in the flare of light from the explosives they toss his way. He only has just enough time to duck out of the way of their weapons fire. And in the background, the old Cardassian alarm protocols continue broadcasting incongruously.
Deep Space Nine #3 balances light-hearted fun and serious drama seemingly effortlessly. The twists and turns are carefully laid out, giving us pay-offs that satisfy.
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Star Trek: Deep Space Nine - The Dog of War #3
Quark’s buyer sends in mercenaries to recover the Borg device – and the corgi!