Welcome back to the Spider-Verse featuring Spider-Gwen, Spider-UK, and Mini-Spidey! Find out the spider-heroes new enemy in Edge of Spider-Verse #2 by Marvel Comics!

Writer: Mallory Rosenthal, Ramzee, Dan Slott, and Chris Giarrusso
Artist: Ig Guara, Ruairi Coleman, Paco Medina, Walden Wong, and Chris Giarrusso
Colorist: Rico Renzi, Brian Reber, and Chris Giarrusso
Letterer: Joe Caramagna, Travis Lanham, and Chris Giarrusso
Editor: Nick Lowe and Devin Lewis
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Cover Price: $4.99
Release Date: August 17th, 2022
Previously in Edge of Spider-Verse: A new villain threatens the Spider-Verse, and Madame Web collects the spider-heroes once more! However, a new hunter has arrived and has corrupted Spider-Man Noir!
Edge of Spider-Verse #2 features four stories. One is a funny one-pager featuring mini-Spider-Man characters called into the multiverse. Another features Spider-Gwen playing a show with her band before they are attacked by Mysterio, and she is suddenly bitten by a wasp! However, the main story in this issue features a new Spider-UK. Zarina is a London-based spider-hero who is currently on break for Ramadan. She works for the W.H.O., which investigates paranormal activity. Suddenly, a giant dragon appears and dons her costume, despite being fifteen hours into her fast. The dragon breaths out a poison that mutates people into weird lizard creatures. Spider-UK gets a sample and returns to base.
Luckily, Professor Alistaire Stuart finds a cure quickly, and Spider-UK is back in the field. Spider-UK and her boss, Alysande Stuart, use a grenade to cure the mutation. At the same time, a military team takes out the central dragon. As Zarina’s alarm goes off to eat, Madame Web summons her to help the Spider-Verse.
Dan Slott takes on a story that introduces the origin of our antagonist. The story takes us to ancient Egypt, where we meet the deity Neith who creates the Spider-Verse web. However, her sister Shathra was jealous and created the wasp to destroy the spiders. Now Shathra traves the Web and is hunting all the spider-heroes.
Edge of Spider-Verse #2 introduces a new, diverse character while some of the classic heroes are being set up as mind-controlled villains. With Spider-Man Noir and Spider-Gwen becoming infected, it leads different characters to get the spotlight. And I am happy those heroes are from a minority because they introduce a new perspective I want to see explored more in comics. Hopefully, Spider-UK and Araña will play a critical role in this story.
I think the stories in this series have vastly different qualities. The Spider-Gwen story in this issue didn’t have a solid narrative arc. And that has a lot to do with the page allocation given to the story. But, oddly, such a popular character wasn’t given a little more care. Spider-UK story, however, got a ton of characterization and drove interest to the new character. But perhaps that is just the nature of how this series will run.
This series doesn’t have the excitement or magic I usually get from Spider-Verse titles, but it is getting there. With an assortment of talented writers and artists, I am excited to see where the plot line goes. Edge of Spider-Verse #2 is a solid 3.5 out of 5 stars.
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