Juggernaut is a force of overwhelming power! He is considered unstoppable but the only thing that can stop him is his own head. Find out what new direction Cain Marko goes in Juggernaut #1 by Marvel!

Writer: Fabian Nicieza
Artist: Ron Garney
Colorist: Matt Milla
Letterer: VC’s Joe Sabino
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: September 23rd, 2020
Previously on Juggernaut: Cain Marko was stuck in limbo without his mystic gem. How did he escape? What is he going to do with his freedom? How did he end up working in Demolitions for Damage Control? So many questions, so little time!
The comic opens up with Cain Marko destroying a building with city approval. While trying to figure out if there’s any weird magical or alien residue on the building he is attacked by someone who can slow down kinetic energy. He realized that the building he destroyed was home to a bit of the homeless and searched another abandoned building for the super. He searches a bit, intending to help the powered individual, but is attacked by her instead. The super is revealed to be D-Cel who slows down the Juggernaut but when she can’t sustain her power, Juggernaut runs into the side of the building. Cain Marko drags D-Cel out of the rubble and takes her to the hospital where he becomes an internet sensation. D-Cel points him to a menace that he could stop; the Hulk!
I love comics about villains because it has the tendency to humanize them. While Juggernaut certainly has his ups and downs, it was lovely to see him care for someone other than himself. What happened to him in Limbo really changed his outlook to where I want to root for him as a person. And not just a person, but maybe even has a hero! I was disappointed that they pointed him towards the Hulk as a villain because strong man versus strong man can get a little boring. However from what I have seen, the creative team is sure to tell an engaging story. The artwork also was quite beautiful. You can see bits and pieces of evil Juggernaut creeping in the art. The dark red eyes, the flexing muscles, those sort of things really shows stark contrast to the softer Cain Marko we are seeing in this issue.
I picked up this book because I thought it was something easier to review. What I did not expect was to find a very engaging interpretation of Cain Marko as a protagonist. I’m actually hooked and excited to see where Juggernaut is going from here! This is a 4.5 out of 5 for Juggernaut #1 from me. Only marked down slightly because I don’t think Hulk is a great direction to take the character. Overall a great book.
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Juggernaut #1
Juggernaut is back in Manhattan working Demolitions for Damage Control!
I expect you to give the .5 back to this issue after you read #2… ;)
Thanks for the great review!
It just means that #2 is certain to have 5 stars!
It was short and boring. He has lost size and height. The artwork is Okay. 3 out of 5. I pray the second one doesn’t have the Hilk trash him or I will burn it.
I pray the second one doesn’t have the Hilk trash him or I will burn it.