In the words of a not-at-all wise man, “Zaphod Beeblebrox, this is a very stiff drink.” But what’s in the glass? Welcome to Ten Things!
Whooshman-Bicarbonate Films, in conjunction with ‘An Amateur Comics Historian’ and Jack Daniels, Presents:
In the world of ‘John Byrne’s Next Men’, Mark IV was an artificial being, accidentally awakened, who went on the run from the very people who created him. He met a very sad end after his backup story was streamlined into the main book (a pretty cool trick, and I still recommend ‘Next Men’ as a comic well ahead of its time.) He shares his name with a blended malt scotch whiskey bottled exclusively for British Army & Navy Stores…
Totally thought this was going to about fictional spirits, like that Ol Janx Spirit or Romulan Ale. Can you do that next?
I don’t promise “next”, but I can certainly do it. :)
I seem to remember that J. Walker also went undercover for a time a “Jack Daniels,” so that’s a two-fer.