DC already announced that Doc Savage was returning to DC Comics, but what we didn’t know is if the Man of Bronze would be part of the DCU continuity proper. Yesterday, DC released information that seems to answer that pressing question.

This November, writer Brian Azzarello teams with artist Phil Noto for the BATMAN/DOC SAVAGE SPECIAL #1, which sets the stage for an entire new world for the Doc, along with a slew of characters that will pop up later, including the Blackhawks and Rima, the Jungle Girl. It all starts here, and I’m not exaggerating when I say you’re really in for a treat.
Azzarello is no stranger to noir or gritty storytelling, as anyone familiar with Vertigo’s 100 BULLETS and the recent JOKER OGN can attest. Coupled with Noto’s neo-classic art style and you’ve got the perfect launching pad for a collection of books that will pull these beloved characters into the 21st century.
I do like 100 Bullets, but I’m having some trouble with the idea of Doc Savage in the 21st Century. Doc works best as a pulp 30’s and 40’s character, in my opinion. That being said, I’m more than willing to check out Batman/Doc Savage Special #1 when it hits stores.
So this is the Dick Grayson Batman, then? I suppose that artwork makes him look younger…
Oh, and since the ‘net refers to the new Captain America as “BuckyCap”, would that make the new Batman, “DickBat”?
Doc works best as a pulp 30’s and 40’s character, in my opinion.
Not only does he work best as a pulp figure, be works best when he is in that sort of setting. Throwing him in a world where you have characters like Superman, John Henry Irons, Lex Luthor, Green Lanterns and such makes him sort of laughable. Phillipe Jose Farmer used him best in a universe setting when he set him up in the Wold Newton Universe with other popular pre-Superman pulp and literary characters.
If it is modern day, I will past. If it is one of those vague, undefinable times that they do not try and cram into current continuity, I’ll give it a try, maybe.
Got to unpack my paperbacks and re-read some of the old reprints I have of the novels!
Agrees with the “pulp bros before superhos” sentiment…And DickBat HAHAHAHA, thats awesome.
Ras Al Ghul also sez “Dicktective we meet again”!
It’s been said elsewhere that this won’t be the mainstream DCU, but a world where 1930s architecture and design interact with modern technology and actual powered heroes are exceedingly rare (so, yeah, very PJ Farmer). Most of the “pulpier” DC-owned and licensed characters — including The Spirit — are slated to show up eventually, with a few surprises teased (even The Shadow hasn’t been officially denied; in fact, when it was suggested that he’d fit in this milieu, DiDio pointedly said something to the effect of “yeah, that =would= be cool, wouldn’t it!”).
Thanks ykw, I hoped that would be the case.
As far as the Shadow goes, I believe he is currently owned by Conde Nast, Inc, as is Doc Savage. If they go the pulpier style, I’ll definatly pick it up.