DC Comics has announced it will release Justice League of America with 52 variant covers. With the flood of variants on the way this February, we want to know if you are on board with the idea.
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DC Comics has announced it will release Justice League of America with 52 variant covers. With the flood of variants on the way this February, we want to know if you are on board with the idea.
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I’d like to wait and see how they look, but I think I might feel obligated to get the Texas one.
I think I’d like the idea better if some of the proceeds went to a Superstorm Sandy Relief Fund. Unless that’s already the case and I’m just out of the loop.
Maybe. If the variant for my home state of Tennessee looks cool, I might make an effort to acquire it. Though I certainly wouldn’t be heartbroken if I can’t.
I’m wondering how this is going to work for the digital copy, since it usually contains all of a book’s potential variant covers. I can’t see the digital version having more pages devoted to variant covers than to the actual comics, but surely they’d have at least a few.
I wonder if they are going to have a cover for MY home state of Who Gives a Crap?
Ugh, I am not interested. If I get one, I will get only one.
As interesting as a premise this is for a book, I just can’t bring myself to buy anything written by Geoff Johns any more. I’ve loved his work in the past, but his New 52 stuff has just been wildly uninteresting.
I think its a novel idea, and if I have the opportunity to pick up good ol’ Kansas I will. But I’m certainly not going out of my way for it.
The thought that a super hero team would even come near North Carolina is amusing. During the Marvel “Initiative” we didn’t even have our own heroes. The stuck the U-Foes in Charlotte as the “NC Team”. Which made me hate Norman Osborne’s character even more. Oh…and the one NC young recruit was a kid that was fat, invunerable and had lost all epidermal sensation. Really????? “Family Guy” was nicer to us (“North Carolina….First in Flight…Last in Education”).
No Way!
1. I don’t have the money for 52 issues of the same book.
2. In all likelihood they won’t be any more value than one issue and be worth the investment.
3. Doesn’t have 52 death of Blok scenarios.
I stopped reading DC, so no… The 52 glow has faded, its back to business as always minus the series I loved: Secret Six and Birds of prey.
I wouldn’t go out of my way for it, especially if they do that thing where they (a) charge extra or (b) make them so scarce that people can justify charging extra.
Also, if only because I live in NJ, I’d think that DC would do a classy thing & have variant sales for at least NJ & NY go to the Red Cross to help with the Sandy aftermath. (Or are we supposed to pretend it’s all fixed because we’re all supposed to obsess about the election now? Because it’s really, really not.)
Yes I will be getting some but mostly because I am a big variant guy.
In the words of Daniel Bryan. NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO!
Not only do I not read JL so that’s a no to start but it seems pretty lame to boot.
I got my variants in the 90’s.
Fool me once…
I think if I get any, I may end up with a variant, but that’s really just me looking at the ones I can find and choosing my favorite one. I doubt Ohio’s cover is going to be all that amazing. TaZ made me think though that Marvel missed out on trying this and having it make sense sort of with the Initiative stuff, and they could have used the model set up with Slingers and have a majority of the issue be the same issue by issue, but have an 8 page part in the middle devoted to the State on the covers’ team and what they were doing during the Skrull Invasion. I probably would have bought all 50 of them if they’d have done that honestly. I’d have been mad for getting 50 of almost entirely the same books, but I know I’d have done it just for the chance to see a bunch of lesser used characters actually doing something besides just standing in the background.
All the covers will be the same, only the flag will change on each.
No retailer needs to over-order or inflate their sales figures to get any of these variants, these are not NOW’s infamous 1in200 or 1in500 or have to exceed the orders of AvsX to qualify for one variant… these are 1in1, no regular covers need to be ordered to get one of these variants, a retailer can simply order what covers he wants to and can sell.