Jess makes her plans, but her friends must be ready to help. What can Eddie bring to the upcoming conflict? Find out in Grim #17 from BOOM! Studios.

GRIM #17
Writer: Stephanie Phillips
Artist: Flaviano
Colorist: Rico Renzi
Letterer: Tom Napolitano
Editor: Elizabeth Brei
Publisher: BOOM! Studios
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: May 22, 2024
Previously in Grim: Not only is there no Death and Annabel has plans to overthrow everything, but Jess’s friends must deal with their own private Hells. Accompanied by the Fates, they have regrouped in a diner along with a priest named Dom. After he understands that Jess’ war is against Original Sin, Dom shares his own story. He was a soldier in Afghanistan and lost a friend in battle. After this, when he is certain his death is imminent, a young Afghani family helps him. When they bring him into town, the young man is killed by American soldiers. Dom makes the point that Jess must understand who they are fighting and just what they are fighting for.
Grim #17 centers on Eddie and opens with a flashback to his life in 1975. His father did not approve of his music or the eyeliner he wore. Ten years later, once he has become famous, he is being interviewed and he glosses over his childhood, talking about how supportive his family was. The interviewer comments on Eddie’s going solo, and his drummer and childhood friend, Saul, overhears. He does not so much mind that Eddie wants to go solo; he minds that Eddie did not have the decency to tell him. He has been covering for Eddie and his drug use, and this is the thanks he gets? Saul is happy to let him go out on his own.
Later, Eddie talks to his business manager, Andrea. He wants to break off in a new direction. That, after all, is part of his reason for going solo. But the studio, who likes their money, would prefer that he continue to do more of the same. That is what his fans want. That is what will bring the money in. Or maybe he could collaborate with someone else who is famous.
Back in 1975, Eddie gets home late. Saul offers to come in with him to help him explain to his dad. Eddie goes in alone. He explains that practice went late. His father says he and Eddie’s mother had a talk, and they think that it is time for him to give up the guitar and get a job. The unspoken words are “real job.” Eddie insists that he cannot, and his father accuses him of talking back. The indications are that Eddie is in for a beating.
In the present, Eddie the Reaper is with Marcel. Eddie is looking for his father as someone to help in the upcoming war. Marcel is not too sure about this plan. But Eddie remembers back to 1985. He was in his prime as a musician. His father comes to see him, and it is plain this is not the first time. He needs some money. He’s gone through the money Eddie gave him last month. It’s the least Eddie could do for him, after all the time and expense they had raising him. Eddie gives him money again.
But in the bar in the afterlife, it is not Eddie’s father who is there for him.
The art of Grim #17 uses the timelines of 1975 and 1985 to show us two very different versions of Eddie which still have strong connections. We start to understand his stage fright as well. After all, no matter how far you come and how fast you move, you cannot run away from yourself. It is heartbreaking to see the young Eddie, optimistic and excited about his music, have to deal with the harsh reality of an authoritarian father who not only does not understand him, but who does not know any other way to deal with him than blind authority. As Eddie makes it big, old habits do not die away. He is so used to hiding parts of him, hiding parts of his life, that he cannot be honest with himself much less his friends.
Life is fast and comes at you hard. It does not take many pages to track Eddie’s rise – and his eventual fall. A brilliant, wordless double-page panel takes us to the height of his performance, showcasing him and his band under the stage lights. But a few pages later, we find Eddie at an after party where the drugs flow freely, and suddenly he is unconscious. It is Saul who finds him, who takes his pulse, and who rushes him out. But Eddie is a Reaper, so we know how that ended up.
As Jess prepares for war, Grim #17 continues to show us the hidden strengths her allies bring to the table, and Eddie’s richly emotional tale adds to the mix.
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Grim #17
Eddie has his weaknesses, but he also has some hidden strengths.