Billy Batson has the power of six ancient elders. It’s not going to help him much when he has to fight those very elders six-on-one. Your Major Spoilers review of Shazam #6 from DC Comics awaits!

Writer: Mark Waid
Artist: Dan Mora
Colorist: Alejandro Sanchez
Letterer: Troy Peteri
Editor: Paul Kaminski
Publisher: DC Comics
Cover Price: $4.99
Release Date: December 6, 2023
Previously in Shazam: The Captain’s situation reaches the boiling point when Billy is forced to battle the very six gods who give him his magic abilities… a fight he can’t possibly hope to win! Once the dust settles… who will possess the power of Shazam?
We pick up where last issue left off, with Zeus threatening to remove the powers of the Elders and leave Billy unable to become The Captain… until Freddy Freeman steps forward to offer himself as the new champion! Freddy agrees to be under Zeus’ control, acting in his stead, and when Billy confronts him, he whispers under his breath “It’s a scam!” The boys enter a fake fight, trying to delay the Elders in their attempts to strip the power of Shazam, but Zeus eventually figures out that they’re stalling. Enter: The Siblings! Having raided the Rock of Eternity’s closet trophy room, Darla, Pedro, and Eugene are armored up with magic and technology, as well as a helpful alien t. Rex, and they’re ready to fight.
But it’s Billy who realizes that only FIVE of his elders are actually fighting.
The most important part of the issue comes immediately after that revelation, as Billy convinces Solomon to boost the wisdom he grants to The Captain, with Solomon warning him of the consequences: They might become two separate entities, rather than Cap being a bigger Billy in a cape. It’s a clear reference to the old Fawcett days, where Captain Marvel was a separate entity, with both people knowing about the other but seeing them as separate minds. There’s also an appearance by the Ibistick, Bulletman’s helmet, Spy-Smasher’s gear, and other throwbacks to the old days, making it clear that Waid and Mora are moving towards a more traditional Captain Marvel… Err, Captain status quo. Mora’s art is quite good throughout the story, especially in the spaceship full of dinosaurs, but I find the fact that everyone, god and mortal alike, has a red nose to be a little off-putting. The issue also ends with a wonderful splash of a certain ruler of Kahndaq, which should have fans on the lookout for next issue.
Even with solicitation copy that doesn’t match the issue, Shazam #6 is fun and entertaining, with art that is energetic and perfectly tailored for the pacing (even if parts of it aren’t to my preference) and a story that is playing a long game, earning 4 out of 5 stars overall. It’s been decades since the Earth-S/Fawcett Comics Captain made the scene, and I hope that these creators get a chance to complete the slow-burn work they’re doing with this series, and that fans who don’t remember will still be receptive to the new/old Captain.
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Waid and Mora play the long game, and the payoffs are starting to show. It's an entertaining issue, full of Fawcett Comics history returning to the DCU. Well worth your time.
The rating does not correspond to the review! Lol
It was totally gremlins…