Doctor Rose Osler is a doctor who treats heroes at her job but is forced to save villains after hours. Now the villain Gordian has attacked her home and her husband in Crashing #3 by IDW Publishing!
Writer: Matthew Klein
Artist: Morgan Beem
Colorist: Triona Farrell
Letterer: Hassan Otsman-Elhaou
Editor: Heather Antos
Publisher: IDW Publishing
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: November 16th, 2022
Previously in Crashing: Doctor Rose Osler is a doctor who used to be a drug addict. Lately, the stress of her job required her to save two heroes while also being blackmailed into saving a villain. On top of that, her husband, Don, is leading a Powered Registration Act which is as adamantly against. This caused her to relapse. When Gordian finds out Rose has been treating heroes at the hospital, he sends his goons to attack her home!
Rose is sent to a hotel while they look for Don’s body, which is currently missing. She turns on the news and learns that the Powered Registration Act has passed. She then proceeds to take an entire bottle of pills.
The artist does a great job adding to the storytelling with the characters’ facial expressions accented by the muted colors from the colorist. For the entire book, I knew each character’s feelings as the story progressed. Great job by the creative team all around.
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Crashing #3 combines high emotional action with intimate drama in an artistic way.