Nightcrawler and his legionnaires are here to spread the Spark and protect the people. Find out what happens in Legion of X #1 by Marvel Comics!

Writer: Si Spurrier
Artist: Jan Bazaldua
Colorist: Federico Blee
Letterer: VC’s Clayton Cowles
Editor: Sarah Brunstad
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Cover Price: $4.99
Release Date: May 25th, 2022
Previously in Legion of X: Nightcrawler and Legion worked together to create a spark. The Spark was simple. Try. New. Things. Since then, they have set up a safe haven called the Altar that takes place in Legion’s mind. Nightcrawler uses the Altar as his headquarters.
Legion of X #1 shows us what Nightcrawler and Legion have been up to. They have recruited Lost, Pixie, and Doctor Nemesis to help their cause. On top of that, they have Forgetmenot and Juggernaut work with Nightcrawler to help catch killers. Lost and Pixie are currently tracking a procession case they believe is Switch. And Legion is finally reunited with Blindfold. However, the primary plot is Nightcrawler heading to Arakko and meeting Ora Serrata, who has a giant eye. Ora explains that a deity is missing. The people of Arakko summons deities and kill them. However, a god of mischief escaped. Ora then sends Weaponless Zsen with Nightcrawler in search of the mischief deity.
[su_heading style=”modern-2-blue” size=”24″ align=”left”]A LOT GOING ON[/su_heading]
First, I want to say that Legion of X #1 has impressive character designs. The art and coloring are exceptionally well done, from the battle between the “deity” to looking at Juggernaut’s new costume (or at least new to me). Legion of X #1 follows up the Way of X miniseries and expands on some of those themes. I am a big fan of Way of X and the exploration of religion within the mutant kingdom. And in a way, it makes sense for us to explore Arakko’s faith. But Legion of X #1 feels a little crowded with many storylines. Beyond even the people I mentioned in my brief synopsis, we saw appearances by the entire Quiet Council, Cypher, Warlock, Storm, and Spike. And all these characters and moving parts distracted me from the more significant plot points. Hopefully, this is foundational work for the rest of the series, and we can see the intricate themes come to life.
I think Legion of X #1 suffers from trying to do too many things in the first issue. Lots of great ideas but didn’t have the execution. However, I am still engaged with the plot, and I can’t wait for the next comic. 3.5 out of 5 stars.
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Legion of X #1
Legion of X #1 has a lot of great ideas, but they were too numerous for a successful exposition to a new series.