Between Toba and his Sword, and Darsha and her tech skills, can they and their friends take on Ewon and his minions and prevent them from taking over the world? Find out in Buckhead #5 from BOOM! Studios.

Writer: Shobo
Artist: George Kambadais
Letterer: Jim Campbell
Editor: Sophie Philips-Roberts
Publisher: BOOM! Studios
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: April 6, 2022
Previously in Buckhead: Darsha has a plan to dampen the mind control device, and Toba has a plan to rescue his father. They and their friends hide from the androids and sneak into the school. While the others cause a distraction, Toba sneaks into the basement computer room and logs into the Elseverse game. He meets his father there and learns that Ewon is making himself a physical body to escape into. He also finds the Sword – and learns that his father only exists in Elseverse and cannot return to the real world.
Buckhead #5 opens as Ewon and his minions reach the school. Ewon has been observing people and knows that there is a world beyond Buckhead and nothing to stand in his way. There is a thunderous noise, and Toba recognizes that the Ajogun have invaded their world. He has only just returned to his friends but insists they must get to the auditorium. Ewon is trying to destroy the school and bury the entrance to the Elseverse!
Romy reminds him that the adults of town, including their parents, are still at the school. Toba asks Darsha for ideas. She decides to take Mel to get the adults and lead them out while Romy goes with Toba. Along the way, they discover Mr. Bevilacqua who is alive, but unresponsive. Toba explains that is what Ewon will do to everyone.
The girls evacuate the adults just before the school building collapses. Ewon steps out and Darsha grabs her sledgehammer and attacks him. He deflects her attack, breaking her arm in the process. Toba and Romy break through the rubble with Mr. Bevilacqua. As Ewon heads into town, Darsha comes up with another plan. The dampener she built that keeps the mind control signal from reaching the outside world will also keep Ewon trapped within Buckhead, at least until he figures this out. They need to get to the bunker before Ewon does.
Mel says that she can drive, which might be a slight exaggeration, but they put her behind the wheel of a school bus. They get several adults on board too, including Darsha’s parents. She confesses that while they wanted her to become an engineer, she wants to be a stuntwoman. The ride is quiet until Ewon’s minions approach! Toba tells Darsha to move the adults forward and he draws the Sword. He dispatches one minion, but there are many, many more.
They do get to the bunker safely. The dampener keeps Ewon and his minions out. But before long Mel notices that they are digging holes in the street like they’re tunneling. The dampener does not transmit well through the ground. Soon, Ewon takes advantage of this and arrives in the bunker. Toba attacks him with the Sword, but it has no effect. Ewon mentions how loneliness sustains him. Toba’s friends hear this, including Josue who has just regained consciousness. They join forces with Toba to show him he is not alone!
The design of Ewon and his minions in Buckhead #5 is interesting. They all wear masks which appear to be wooden and African in style. The minions have humanoid bodies, but they look as though they are roughly put together. They almost look as though their bodies were made out of plant fibers. While Ewon share some design aesthetics with them, he has the 3D printed body which is much more imposing. What I particularly like about them is how individual their masks are and how the unchanging expressions in those masks make them feel scary.
It is interesting that the school bus ride, instead of being a reckless vehicle chase, actually provides a few moments of calm and introspection. In a book where the main characters are kids, I like seeing them stepping up to take charge but also being vulnerable as for once their role in their families is reversed. They are not afraid of this responsibility, but it is a bigger one than they had ever expected to take on so soon.
There are moments when Buckhead #5 feels as though the creative team had a lot of loose ends to try to wrap up. To their credit, I think they managed to do it, but this is an issue that benefits from a couple reads to keep everything straight. The fight with Ewon also feels a little abrupt. Still, it all comes together in a comfortable ending.
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Buckhead #5
This is it – the final showdown with Ewon!